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Eddie Diablo

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  1. Life will treat you well don't worry, and if you think about it, of those 82 days, you would've put maybe 3 hours into what you really cared about, and lets face it; you'd fuck around a quarter of those 3 hours with a ball rather than practice. It happens to everyone committed to a sport, if it's not fun to practice you sure as hell wouldn't do it for a living. Either way, don't think like that. I've had feelings like that and over came them only to feel like I'm in way better form (as in I feel like I'm playing a lot better in my respective sport.) Plus if I don't go pro I'm skilled enough to be a manger/coach and a law enforcement officer (hopefully special forces like SWAT) which would make me happy in my life. Best of luck, -Eddie (EzDiablo) srry
  2. ehhhh here comes a half rant half response to your story. Let me just start by saying unfortunately I haven't got to personally meet you because you sound a hell of a lot like me. I agree with everything you said, the sport at heart is different though. Not that I am not extremely committed to the sport, I just believe I should be training harder. Football/Soccer is what I'm referring to. I feel guilty at times when I'm inside and it's raining outside or even if it's a super sunny day (classic day to get outside), I feel I should go out and at least have a run to keep my fitness up. The club team I play for goes to many tournaments that expose us to scouts and college coaches, and I've even come close to joining the Redbulls youth squad in New York; (I've played with them, but since they don't have residential programs, I can't be driving a ridiculous amount of time everyday to attend the mandatory trainings) yet I want to be the one that stands out and is the game changer. I've gone off on a tangent, I apologize. This past week has been especially rough, considering I've hurt my knee and had to skip one of the 3 practices we hold on the 5 weekdays, and I feel my touch on the ball was affected. Don't even get me started on my Highschool's ass excuse for a program. It's sad because we are in the "highest high school league in the state", my god damn cousin won the state cup with his school. He goes to a private school somewhere a few minutes away. (To be honest, I play high school to show off, there is no advancement opportunities, only clubs go and watch high school games and anyone who is serious about soccer already has one.) Regardless, it's my issue not anyone else's. regarding school work and college, if I don't get picked up by a team while I'm in college or some shit (the process of how one is chosen to be a professional soccer player in the United States is a complete joke, and is why we will always be at the feet of the european leagues) than I honestly believe I'll do criminal justice and join a police department and live my life as a patrol man before I can become a homicide, robbery, and violent crimes detective or special weapons and tactics officer (swat, duh). life is an experience and Arma is just the pastime I use after school on the few days I don't have soccer/football (i hate calling it soccer.) It's time I dedicate 99% of time to what I really care about, I'll leave that extra 1% in for the times I will inevitably hop on Arma. I enjoyed your story and your aspirations, and I truly wish you the best of luck. All professional athletes are just a kid from somewhere, and I know we can both do it. Good luck on your journey and its shame I've never spoken to you -regards, EzDiablo (Eddie)
  3. Yeah he can use his moms credit card to pay for the server. Unbelievable... the immaturity. Yeah, complaining on the forums will do a whole lot.
  4. Instead of him being body camped, he can be brought up, kill a few of the guys you're fighting, and then pass out again in a safer location for later revival. Good point, could be a game changer.
  5. I got a feeling he'd be pretty experienced in that branch of RP...
  6. Future SGT. of the APD hopefully! I change my answer this is better.
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