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mrs nesbitt

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Posts posted by mrs nesbitt

  1. 1 hour ago, Community Director Sov said:

    The locked doors for example was because it was deemed by Sr. Staff that if that's not in there, the passengers of a heli can all parachute out on top of me

    I need to see a picture of a staff member telling you this because ????

  2. 7 minutes ago, Community Director Sov said:

    Then you start getting bans or are put into unwinnable situations.

    I do relatively frequently (compared to a average civ) use titans. Every titan ive shot the text was as bare bones as possible, "land/autohover in place or be titaned." Ive even used this on SAPD / Staff SAPD hawks and never once had anyone complain. If staff are truly making you make your texts longer please provide some proof because i find it very hard to believe 😕

  3. 1 hour ago, Community Director Sov said:

    the time I tab out to copy another message the heli is gone.

    This just doesnt happen. If your titaning, why would you have anything else besides "autohover in place or be titaned" copied? Seems like a cop out honestly sov. I explained it very simply if when your titaning you send a message that is short and simple you have the 5 seconds you wish for. And for my starting point of it not happening, you should be able to type "autohover or be titaned" relatively fast.

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  4. No hate. Simply breaking up your engagement messages into individual messages for helis, ground units, etc would 100% solve this problem. Sending a wall of text with autohover or be titaned somewhere in the middle has always meant you need to give them enough time to read and understand it. If you want 5 seconds the solution is simple "autohover in place or be titaned"

  5. 36 minutes ago, Tman15tmb said:

    I think the secret service sniper was trying to send an engagement text to the shooter before taking the shot. Wouldn't want a dispute..

    really seemed like it bro was up there meat in hand watching him roleplay crawl across a roof

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