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Jeff Chaplin

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Everything posted by Jeff Chaplin

  1. (Removed did not see already sold)
  2. Very true xD hahahaha I had just spent all my money on a Taru, a hemmit transport and a house the day before
  3. The cops were having a laugh about it, some of them texted me afterwards about it,
  4. Great build I'm hella jelly
  5. Operation save Vincent was a fail
  6. Why have I not thought of this
  7. all those poor deputy's are not gonna be able to taze anyone
  8. Got that from Reddit
  9. When you try to log onto Olympus but you're banned https://m.imgur.com/8kAlOj9?r
  10. Jeff Chaplin


    I hope they at least make the GA's increase in price (like 150k per GA) cause they are pretty overpowered IMO like all the poor deputy's will never be able to taze anybody
  11. So for those who are wondering I tested the slings staying after a SOFT restart and the do not stay attached
  12. So I have never tried to sling load or tow anything on this server I know how it works but I have a few questions before I go attempting it So first do tow hooks and cables get removed when your vehicle is stored? ( I think yes? ) Do they get removed after a SOFT restart? Can you (other than medic) actually tow any vehicals with the tow hooks or is this disabled as civ And finally can variations of helis lift vehicals ie can a taru bench lift a box truck ( I know a normal taru can) Thanks -Jeff Chaplin
  13. I am a deputy rank and have not gotten my forums tags for apd 76561198091375658
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