Its a long video but it reflects the current situation of olympus staff and some of their corruptions. I have many more videos of situations similar to this that shows admin/mod abuse but this one is pretty classic. Added some memes at the very end just for fun.
Rabid 'hehe xD' was upset he lost his gear w/ 7.62 suppressor and started pulling every string he had to get it back and make sure I was banned. There was no due process and I was live banned for 2 x RDM - 5 Days. I enjoy trolling/friendly banter in game especially when I get 3 geared players in restraints, nonetheless, DB/TI and a mod. Outside of the game I try to be as respectful as possible and keep my cool given the circumstances of the situation. If anyone asks why I didn't join support when told in-game, its because I don't find it right to have to be told to visit support after every engagement I have just because the other party didn't come out on top and are complaining about losing everything/rule breaks. Would love to hear what everyone things about this, leave some comments!
Here is a link to the compilation of events that occurred: