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Saying sorry


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I have been on this server for a long time and have enjoyed it. I can remember all the times getting caught by cops or arresting a murderer. But with my anger issues getting out of hand all I can is I'm sorry.

If I yell at you don't take it to your feelings. I am trying to watch my anger as best I can.

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Really? you are going to chalk this all up to "anger issues" 


Was it an anger issue when you went on a RDM spree

Was it also an anger issue when you tried to VDM people as a medic? Or cuss people out as a medic?


Whatever happened to "I am leaving olympus"

You getting mad is also a way of showing that you need a grow up. First off the rdm was a story that I settled admins I'm not saying cause it none of you business. Second if I did vdm someone it was with my sirens or accident if I did kill them I said sorry and comped if needed. The whole story does not involve you so stop being so emotional it. It not like I have seen you rdm or even vdm so don't go on a rampage.

Also Jamal just so you know I do have anger issues you can even call my doctor

You getting mad is also a way of showing that you need a grow up. First off the rdm was a story that I settled admins I'm not saying cause it none of you business. Second if I did vdm someone it was with my sirens or accident if I did kill them I said sorry and comped if needed. The whole story does not involve you so stop being so emotional it. It not like I have seen you rdm or even vdm so don't go on a rampage.

Also Jamal just so you know I do have anger issues you can even call my doctor

just ignore him man, i still think you are a pretty cool guy and i had a lot of fun playing with out.

Let's not make this a public which hunt . I think that if you're sorry you need to apologize to the people that you offended personally :) it's okay man everybody makes mistakes. If you apologize in private people are a lot more receptive and then it doesn't need to play out in public. You don't need to be humiliated and hear you did some questionable things but it is just a video game. Good luck in amending your relationships and I hope you other people find some grounds to listen and forgive. ^_^

I fail to see why everyone is being hostile toward Gerald. He is apologizing for previous actions and whether or not you believe the reason(s) he has provided, there is no reason for such things to be said. If you don't believe him, then say nothing, move on and keep your wary eye on him in-game. There is enough hostility in-game, don't bring it to the forums. Its pointless.


Gerald, kudos for stepping up and apologizing to an entire community.


Everyone else, be supportive or go away.

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The reason I went off on you like that Jamal Jones, is because you are worse than Gerald. Gerald act's like a human-being. He apologies, and yet you in a power struggle to show "AH" factor become Mr Nacho Libre and try to destroy his apology... Ever heard of the fucking Shakespeare quote Live and let LIVE!!! IT MEANS EVEN THOUGH HE WAS AN ASSHOLE YOU BECOME THE BIGGER PERSON AND ACCEPT IT... Even if you don't accept it, you act like you do... Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer.

Between people being rude as hell (example: someone a few days ago called zero the kitten a furfag on the forums, now someone who is apologizing is being antagonized for something he felt guilty about) I'm surprised either of them is still around, grow the fuck up. 

wait someone did that?

Ya, post was deleted pretty swiftly, don't worry about it, fuggem

alright ^.^ I am pretty used to that by now so it doesnt really impact me.

But thank you to whoever deleted it

In times of great stress or adversity, it's always best to keep busy, to plow your anger and your energy into something positive.

Lee Iacocca

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