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Farewell Olympus, Good luck to all!

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Well guys, after getting the perm yesterday it seems my time has come. Before being wiped from the server and unable to sign in on here I wanted to take a moment to apologize to the entire community. 


I am not going to go into detail as to what I did to receive the perma. All I will say is that I acquired information at a very unfortunate time for myself.

I appreciate all of the good RP times we had, and I hope that you all can hold this server together and begin rebuilding the community that existed back over the summer months.


For your own sake, be sure to follow the rules to the max and try to be a role model for all of the other players.

I wish the best of luck to all of you, not just in Altis Life, but in whatever you do may it be real life or another game/server.

And once again, sorry for letting some of you down. However it is what it is. 


I've been compromised. Ghost out.   






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