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I know most of you are well aware of the fraudulence that occurs online. Most of you have probably experienced a CS:GO scam or two but it is still important to be aware of these things. I am not seeking redemption or reprisal in this, but I am seeking to inform you guys on what happened to me. I do graphic design as a hobby as some of you may know, and every once in a while I do a commission for people in the Steam community. They have become less frequent over time as I relaxed on advertising it, however, I briefly mentioned it not to long ago on the forums which is what sparked this issue that happened today. A man named @coastosprey , who happens to be part of the Olympus community, decided to waste my time by scamming me after I finished a commission for him. I spent numerous hours working on this so that it met his expectations. However, after receiving the final copy which I mistakenly forgot to add watermarks to since it has been so long since I have done this, he decided to remove me and block me without paying. Did I lose anything? No, not truly. The only thing I lost in this case was my time. The work itself was just more practice for me. However, this situation gave me the opportunity to show you guys that this deceitfulness occurs everywhere, even in our own community which stems into my next topic, Olympus not punishing people for this. I completely understand the case of Olympus not doing so. It is our responsibility to make sure we don't fall into the stupid trap of getting scammed, and it isn't something that occurred on the servers. I submitted a report knowing it would be futile since I knew I would get this response: "Unfortunately this report has been closed because it was determined that no Olympus rules were broken here." But what does not make sense to me is that scamming on Steam is no business of Olympus, however, VAC bans on entirely different games is. My personal opinion is that scamming is much more vital to punish than hacking once on a game two years prior. So hopefully you guys can take something out of this. Security is something I protect dearly, however, slip ups like this happen and they do need to be accounted for. So think twice when dealing with those on the internet.

- Thank you,

[MC] Lacroix

You may find this crass but someone getting scammed on steam is simply none of our business. The vac ban thing doesn't affect anyone who did anything 2 years ago as you said. Only within the past 7 months. Getting a vac ban and scamming someone are totally not comparable. Cheating has been something that everyone just seems to accept on Olympus and we're tired of having the reactionary response to it so now we're being proactive about it.


In regards to scamming someone on steam... this is just not our concern unfortunately. It's a medium in which people can also submit false reports just by falsifying steam names as well. That is Steam's area to deal with. We are here to administrate the forums, our TS, and our game. Not steam chats. We're already busy enough as it is. I'm sorry.

6 hours ago, McDili said:

You may find this crass but someone getting scammed on steam is simply none of our business. The vac ban thing doesn't affect anyone who did anything 2 years ago as you said. Only within the past 7 months. Getting a vac ban and scamming someone are totally not comparable. Cheating has been something that everyone just seems to accept on Olympus and we're tired of having the reactionary response to it so now we're being proactive about it.


In regards to scamming someone on steam... this is just not our concern unfortunately. It's a medium in which people can also submit false reports just by falsifying steam names as well. That is Steam's area to deal with. We are here to administrate the forums, our TS, and our game. Not steam chats. We're already busy enough as it is. I'm sorry.

I understand where you are coming from there. I honestly think the best way to resolve these kinds of issues is just to inform everyone of who is not credible. 

Oh, and for your information @coastosprey , all of my work is copyrighted, and you did not follow through with the initial agreement made, so you have no ownership over that work whatsoever. If you attempt to use it, it might just get your accounts terminated so nice try at scamming me. I also hope you enjoy your new SteamRep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198276572999 . And if Steam ever so dearly gets around to it, you might have a tango with them as well.

You are retarded. You don't accept PayPal as payment and wanted me to send you steam cards. I do not do that.

I simply removed you from my friends list because you seem unprofessional. Trust me, I have no plans to use the logo you created.

I offered to pay you via PayPal and you declined and that is where our business dealings ended. How about you tell the truth. I didn't scam you.

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Just to be safe since both parties said what they wanted it to say I'm going to lock this as we all don't need to read your arguments. If you two want to continue this conversation you can take it to PMs. 

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