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New scope to cop and rebel?

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Would it be possible to add the DMS scope to the game it really looks awesome. It has a 1 - 12x magnification (as much as RCO and ARCO).










*I need Poseidon to answer that question*
Also, whats the mass of a "maneuverability tier 4" hummingbird?

The DMS is better than the RCO/MRCO/ARCO


If you press + on the numpad, it will zoom in even further.

Ya, to a max of 12x.......



The only difference with the DMS when compared to lets say an RCO, is it has a built in range finder.  No not an OP electric one, one you use your self.  Look at the scope you will see what I mean

Ya, to a max of 12x.......



The only difference with the DMS when compared to lets say an RCO, is it has a built in range finder.  No not an OP electric one, one you use your self.  Look at the scope you will see what I mean




The difference is the DMS can also zoon further than the RCO

Won't be too OP. Considering you can't use NVG with it.


I probably still prefer a MRCO for familiarity sake. And less scope zoom lag. 

#MRCOalldayeveryday #MRCOmasterrace 

the shoulder width lines are fucked


to fix set option config video aa&pp set "depth of field at 0"

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