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Well boys and girls the time has come

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As some of you may noticed I have not been on really at all for close to a month. Decided I would come back and check in on the server and see whats goin on here. As the first and only server I had ever played altis life, I have grown accustomed to this server. I have been around many a days, about a month after it was started. Seen many people come and go and now it is my time. I just lost the thrill, I liked it when it was just the renegades and prae and our newly created gang. Since then everybody else that i have played with left or got banned and now I don't know anybody and it just isn't there for me. I will attempt to be in kavala here or there replenishing the locals' drug supplies since that's where all the junkies like to hang. For those that know me you will be missed and the others that I am yet to know, good luck and hope you enjoy the server as much as I did. And remember, when you get banned, go to asylum and roll as many SUV's into their cars as you can. Make a competition to see who can get banned on their server first. As for the admins, you guys are great and keep doing what you do, even though we do not tell you, we all respect you greatly. It has been an amazing ride and I am sad that it has to end, at the end of the day I'm a console gamer. Xbox one & 360 Gamertag- MileHighCaliber lets play sometime eh? Anyways, take it easy my friends.

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From a guy who is moving his whole group to here.  It is crazy to see the amount of people leaving and coming on these servers.  Best of Luck and happy hunting.


+1 for keeping it real man.  I did not get to know you, but i am sure you were an awesome member of the community.

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I would like to think I was and I thought most people on server 1 knew me one way or another, and best of luck to you as well. And I may try to be on server 3 with burban sometime but they always pissed me off because there was always too many to try to defend myself

its way better when you're with em
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Awww, well I remember messing with ya back in the day. Was always fun to screw with ya. Best of luck to ya and make sure to hop in once in awhile to say hi.

Yeah Hades you were always my "totally-not" favorite. "Quite laying down on the job" haha or that damn PCML jesus that was good. Or in recent news Colorado blowing the square with the vests with you chillin on the corner. Anyways good times with you and I will try. Maybe we can do something some night where people will get lmg's and mow down my offroad or ifrit or something

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