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APD Handbook Update 1/1/18

Guest G.O.A.T.

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Guest G.O.A.T.

Chapter IX - Searches and Seizures

  1. Searching in Combat

    1. Searching and seizure of equipment and vehicles should not occur until combat has been deemed 'clear' or 'not a factor' by the highest ranking officer at the situation.

      1. Example - Armed Plane that has clear intent to stall searching/seizure of equipment/vehicles. Obviously if people are dying or taking damage due to said plane, it is clearly deemed a factor.

  2. Searching of Persons

    1. In order to search a person for illegal items, one must have probable cause to do so.

    2. You must announce that you are searching the person.

      1. If questioned by the person, explain why you are conducting the search.

  3. Checking of Licenses

    1. You may only check licenses when the player is in possession of an item/vehicle which requires a license to carry/operate, when they have broken a law, or you have probable cause to do so.

  4. Searching of Vehicles

    1. In order to search a vehicle for illegal items, one must have probable cause to do so.

    2. You must announce that you are searching the vehicle.

      1. If questioned by the person, explain why you are conducting the search.

  5. Seizure of Weapons

    1. Illegal firearms are to be seized when it is safe to do so, preferably before transport.

      1. Blackwater items of note:

        1. Thermal NVGs (NOT COMPACT NVGs) are illegal.

        2. DMS Scopes.

        3. Silencers of any sort.

        4. Non-black MXM and MAR-10, these are not APD equipment.

    2. Suspects cited for any crime that requires a weapon (ie. Manslaughter, Attp. Manslaughter) permits seizure. (See APD Ticket Guide for further charges that warrant seizure.)

  6. Seizure of Vehicles

    1. Illegal vehicles are to be seized at the end of a situation.

    2. Any civilian vehicles left after a federal event will be seized.

    3. Vehicles containing illegal contraband valued at $350,000 or more are to be seized.

    4. Vehicles will only be seized upon the order of the highest ranking APD member at the situation.

  7. Warrants

    1. Raid Warrant

      1. Raid Warrants allow officers to enter a premises solely for the purpose of capturing a criminal and removing them.

        1. Corporals and higher can issue Raid Warrants. If issued by a Corporal or higher, the issuing Officer must be present.

        2. The Officer that received the Warrant must state that the home will be raided before exercising the Warrant.

      2. Raiding a house/gang shed is authorized when:

        1. A suspect has taken refuge in a locked house/gang shed.

        2. A suspect is shooting out of a locked house/gang shed.

        3. APD must enter to rescue a hostage.

    2. Search Warrants

      1. Search warrants allow officers to enter a premises in order to capture suspects and/or search the premises for contraband.

        1. Sergeants and higher can issue search warrants. The issuing officer must be present to exercise the warrant.

        2. The Sergeant or higher that is exercising the warrant must state that the home will be raided before exercising the warrant.

        3. The Search of crates and inventory must be announced prior to a Sergeant searching the storage/crates.

      2. Searching a house/gang shed is authorized when:

        1. An APD member has a form of probable cause (bounty, illegal weapon, etc.) and witnesses a civilian interacting with a house/gang shed in any form. The Sergeant or higher has discretion on whether or not to conduct a search.

      3. Any officers not authorized found going through storage will receive severe disciplinary punishment.

Chapter XIV - APD Aircraft

  1. Aircraft Patrols

    1. Recon Patrol - Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member with any helicopter in the APD arsenal, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. These patrols provide information to ground units from reconnaissance above.

      1. These patrols are not required to follow wave rule.
      2. These patrols can not directly engage with criminals on the ground.
      3. Must leave with the wave (assuming the situation is in a redzone).
      4. These patrols will have 1 occupant maximum.
      5. These patrols cannot use lights or sirens (this includes checking redzones). (Does not apply to Cartels/Rebels)
      6. Officers may switch from recon to rapid response, but not the other way around.
    2. Rapid Response Patrol - These patrols can be performed by any APD member with any helicopter in the APD arsenal, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. These patrols are tasked with rapidly responding to major calls and patrolling high crime areas.

      1. Minimum Crew: Pilot.
      2. These patrols may engage with criminals on the ground.
      3. Must use lights/sirens when engaging a suspect or entering a redzone.
      4. These patrols cannot switch to a recon patrol and must return to the HQ where waves are originating from to become a recon patrol
  2. Airplane Patrols

    1. Airplane recon patrols can be performed by an APD member, with the approval of a Corporal or higher.

      1. You may perform recon over illegal areas without using lights and sirens.

    2. Fixed Wing Patrol - The Fixed Wing Aircraft can be used for both recon and rapid response. For standard patrols, the APD may employ the use of parachutes.

      1. Minimum Crew - Pilot - Corporal or higher must be present.

      2. These patrols require an additional unit to engage using code 3 in illegal areas if the patrol utilizes parachutes, or landing to engage suspects.

    3. Armed Fixed Wing Patrol - The Armed Plane patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols can be used for both recon and rapid response.

      1. Armed Planes will follow Ghosthawk engagement rules.

        1. Exception - Armed Planes can engage ground units.

      2. Armed planes may mirror the guns hot status of any active Ghosthawks. However, this does not apply vice-versa.

        1. If a Ghosthawk is guns hot, then any Armed Plane in the area will also be guns hot.

  3. The Ghosthawk

    1. Ghosthawk Patrol - Ghosthawk patrols are conducted by Sergeants or higher. These patrols are utilized for a heavy APD response to large gang actions or high risk rebel activity.

      1. Minimum Crew - Pilot + one Gunner - Sergeant or higher must be online.

    2. The Ghosthawk’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt.

    3. If giving chase to an aircraft piloted by, or containing, a suspect of a crime, the pilot is to be notified by text message 1 time to land the vehicle or be shot, and given 10 seconds to comply.

      1. Exception: You can fire upon an illegal ground vehicle (including stolen APD Hunters and Striders), if given 1 text message and 10 seconds to comply.

      2. If an aircraft is over water and receives a text from a Ghosthawk it must attempt to land at the nearest body of land. If an aircraft continues to fly out to sea it can be shot down over the water.

    4. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon by a titan, the Ghosthawk remains guns hot regardless of wave rule until the engagement has been . broken for more than 5 minutes.

    5. If a Ghosthawk is stolen, and its operators utilize the guns on the APD or the civilian population, the APD is authorized to use any means necessary to destroy the stolen Ghosthawk (excluding breaking Server Rules).

      1. This clause also applies to any armed aerial vehicle. 

    6. The Sergeant or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns.

      1. Exception: If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation any Sergeant and above may decide to use the Ghosthawk(s) guns hot provided they notify a member of the opposing force to surrender prior.

    7. Once a single Ghosthawk meets guns hot requirements, all Ghosthawks in the area of engagement may go guns hot without prior warning.

    8. For federal events only, once the prerequisite is met, the ghosthawk may respond to the federal event with GUNS HOT against all hostile robbery/jailbreak participants.

      1. The prerequisite is defined as:

        1. The bomb blowing at a federal event. (Example: If the bomb blows on wave 5, wave 5 MUST FINISH before the Ghosthawk can come out on Wave 6)

        2. Multiple Ghosthawks lost, with approval of Sergeant or higher.

      2. Once rebels leave the federal event (Inner Anti-Air circle), the Ghosthawk ceases fire and resets to normal Ghosthawk rules.

    9. If a server reset occurs during an active situation and the Ghosthawk was guns hot prior to restart, the Ghosthawk may return to the situation (after restart) GUNS HOT at the rebels still at and/or fleeing the active situation.

  4. Hummingbird

    1. The Hummingbird’s weapons are only to be used on vehicles that are operated by a suspect of a crime, or on vehicles in which a suspect is known to have boarded beyond a reasonable doubt.

    2. If giving chase to a vehicle piloted/driven by a suspect of a crime, or a vehicle which is carrying a suspect of a crime, the pilot/driver is to be notified by text message up to 1 times to land/park the vehicle, or be shot.

    3. While an APD member using a Hummingbird comes under fire by players within another Helicopter or ground unit, the Hummingbird gunners may immediately return fire without a text first.

      1. The Corporal or higher must be the one to give the directive to use the guns.

    4. If an APD hummingbird enters an area of engagement and/or is in the area where an active gunfight between APD and civs is taking place, the hummingbird may fire upon engaged ground units without sending a text (including ground vehicles).

  5. M-900

    1. Patrol Officers and higher are permitted to utilize the M900 exclusively for transportation to federal events/terror.

    2. Any use other than transportation to a federal event/terror will need the authorization of an online Corporal or higher.

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