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Locked R&R Handbook Update 2/21/18

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Changes made effective immediately are in Red. Rules soon to be modified (or removed) are in Blue.  For now, they remain the same. Next server update will bring about the official changes hopefully.


Chapter III - Illegal Zones

1.  Medics, at or above the rank of Paramedic, are authorized to respond to calls for service located within any illegal area.

2.  EMT's must be escorted by an Altis Police Department (APD) officer or higher ranking medic to enter an illegal area.

3.  Medics who choose to willingly enter an illegal area to answer a call cannot be killed unless they are properly engaged.

     However, all medics must READ AND UNDERSTAND the Exception as well as the Special Circumstances listed below:

              3.1.  Exception: Medic GROUND UNITS (ONLY) are Kill-On-Sight at Cartels, War Zone, and at active Federal Events (Jail Break/Fed. Robbery/BW Robbery).  Air units must still be engaged or sufficiently warned.
                      Land vehicles, amphibious vehicles, medics on foot, and pilots who decide to land at cartels are all considered ground units.

              3.2.  Illegal areas defined:

                              3.1.1. Rebels

                              3.1.2. Active Jails/Feds/Blackwater

                              3.1.3. Illegal gathering and processing areas

                              3.1.4. Drug Dealers

                              3.1.5. Black Markets

                              3.1.6. Cartels (Within 1 km of the cartel's cap point)

                              3.1.7. War Zone (Large land mass labeled as war zone)



Chapter XIII - Communications

1. Medics should be in the appropriately designated TeamSpeak channels while on duty.

2. Senior medics reserve the right to delegate lower-ranking medics to any medic TeamSpeak channel that they see fit. This may be necessary if a senior finds that the communications between medics are overlapping or non-existent.

3. Medic Team 1 and 2 channels in TeamSpeak may be utilized by all medics. Medics using the Buddy System are only permitted to use these channels if communications become too crowded or noisy. Use of the Medic team channels are prohibited for individual medic usage. (2 or more medics only)

4. Medics may only enter an APD channel if specifically requested, or moved, by an APD member.

                4.1. Medics may remain in the APD channel until the situation has been resolved.

5. Medics who are currently employed by the R&R are permitted to use the R&R Break Room whenever they so choose.

6. APD/R&R Side Chat

        6.1. Medics are only authorized to utilize the "APD/R&R Side Chat Channel" when an exigent circumstance exists and

                 communication via emergency text message, or direct chat, is not possible or practical

         6.2. All communication via the "APD/R&R Side Chat Channel" should be considered critical in nature.

         6.3. Medics are not to utilize the "APD/R&R Side Chat", "Emergency Police Text", or "Direct Text", for the sole purpose

                of relaying the location of wanted individuals.

         6.4. Medics may report any illegal, suspicious, or malicious activity to the Police at their discretion. 

         6.5. Any abuse of the "APD/R&R Side Chat Channel" will result in administrative action.  

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