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Locked The ridiculous amount of police patrols.....

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everytime i see a certain number of cops online they're ruling the drug lands with their choppers... if my memory strikes true, Isn't there some checkpoints for the APD in the game? 


A better question, have i ever seen a cop at a checkpoint? Nah.


Use your damn checkpoints and quit patrolling the skies for no greater reason other than to be taze-wielding rebels man.

Wait for dispatch to call you out to hunt "gang b killing children at location C"



This game has become more about avoiding cops than actually playing and enjoying the game. Sorta blows buying 175k worth of gear only to be shot once by a cop and lose it all + serve jail time.



(If you know who i am, i'm hopping altis life lifestyles and posting about my experiences as each role)

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everytime i see a certain number of cops online they're ruling the drug lands with their choppers... if my memory strikes true, Isn't there some checkpoints for the APD in the game? 


A better question, have i ever seen a cop at a checkpoint? Nah.


Use your damn checkpoints and quit patrolling the skies for no greater reason other than to be taze-wielding rebels man.

Wait for dispatch to call you out to hunt "gang b killing children at location C"



This game has become more about avoiding cops than actually playing and enjoying the game. Sorta blows buying 175k worth of gear only to be shot once by a cop and lose it all + serve jail time.



(If you know who i am, i'm hopping altis life lifestyles and posting about my experiences as each role)

+1 I wouldn't mind so much if they had to obey NLR. Or if there was a cap to how many cops there can be on at once, sometimes there are like 13 cops and I just think thats a bit too much. (my opinion)

Cops OP...and they're all just making bank now with the inability to be pardoned in wanted lists at restart. There's really nothing you can do, if you do anything illegal you are basically guaranteed at some point to have to wait 30+ minutes in jail.


So you're basically guaranteed punishment for playing your RP role. Bullshit. 

cops aren't op lol. I will not ever understand why people refuse to believe anything else after they get caught.

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Oh please, first it was "There isn't enough cops, big gangs do whatever they want, get more cops" now you are complaining that there are too many? 


just wow..


I'm only going to say one thing. Cops have to always warn you, we can't just roll in silently. You will always have time to react to cops, we cannot shoot unless we verbally warn you and give you time to surrender or you fire at us first. We always will text you giving you plenty of warnings. We have some pretty loud sirens that we have to use before we get too close to a redzone..


That being said, if you don't have time to react or are simply outnumbers do one of two things

1. Work with a group

2. Pick Peaches


EDIT: Also, I've gotten out of 1 mil + bounty without serving jail time. Learn to roleplay correctly and you'll be amazed at how cops will treat you. And with the checkpoints, I do them pretty often only problem is that most people avoid them regardless and it just turns into a high speed chase that ends up in a gunfight.

Edited by PO Box
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There is a cap on cops. It's 19 I think.



The problem with doing checkpoints is that every rebel and their grandmother are flying helis everywhere. There's the occasional offroad and quadbike at Kavala checkpoint... but most people are flying everywhere. When I do actually patrol a redzone, more often than not if I find anything there... its a helicopter or multiple helicopters.



Seldom do you actually find ground vehicles. Today I saw a HEMMT Box for once in a while, last time I saw one before today was like a week ago.


If its not cops you're worried about its rebels. Before I became a cop, rebels camped redzones all the time. It was horrible, cops used to not be responsive at all. Now there's a lot more cops around, and redzones are patrolled somewhat frequently now.


And really? Someone has a problem with having a criminal record that doesn't go away after restart?


Yeah, you roleplayed as a guy doing illegal things. That's what happens. Do legal stuff if you don't like it, it's kind of the point that doing drugs and illegal activities gets you trouble with the law.


It's an RP server not a money making simulator and not a deathmatch server. You don't have to do illegal things. If you do them because that's how you want to have fun, great! Just be prepared for the people roleplaying as law enforcement, because that's how they have fun too.

I will once more bring forth the point of:

Why the fuck do we have APD checkpoints if we aren't going to see cops using them on a role play basis?

Is it because there are too many choppers in the sky? If so i'd like to point at Burban Toad's post about bringing Titans Back, i'd love to see more ground v ground warfare :)

Titans will come back but they are being worked on. And checkpoints are used, just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen.Think of Santa Clause ;)

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Nah bruddah, i better see 2 cops joking at the next checkpoint so i can eavesdrop on their conversation. I want to see them standing at the same entry point walking back and forth talking about how crazy their wives are. Film it, put it up, love it.

lolol these posts get better and better.


Cops are not OP....


Checkpoints are used..seldom but they are used..


Cops can patrol as long as it follows the rules then thats the way its gonna be.


People....want freaking cops to just hand you all the freakin money and want us to not do a thing while you rek some kid who just spawned in so u can steal his ATV..yall are a joke. 


Go play on a wasteland server its gettin old. and honestly im getting so so sick of it.

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I forgot we should just sit in cities 24/7 and never respond to civilian distress calls or just patrol for the fun of it. The idea of cop you are trying to portray here is firstly unrealistic and secondly not fun for anyone wanting to join/currently on the APD.


There is a risk/reward to being a civilian or rebel. Your guns will kill automatically whereas we have strict rules on when lethals are authorized. With proper communication and teamwork this makes it very difficult for the cops; however most groups seem to lack this. 

I can't believe everyone is getting so mad at him, he is literally just suggesting ideas. I understand cops are a main point of attack for all suggestions but thats because cops and civs are the two main points of role play that interact most. He isn't really even attacking, he is just suggesting and putting his ideas across.

Well if we're talking about realistic shit, Cops aren't going to have a static weed/cocaine/heroin/mushroom field in their database all the fucking time.

Cops won't know the location of illegal fields so why do you patrol it?

If we're talking about realistic side of things then the illegal fields on the map would be a barren wasteland on the cops map (in reality).

Enlighten me why cops know the exact location of the ONLY sources of weed/cocaine/heroin/mushroom fields.

This in itself is not realistic.


Even if we were to wipe the locations of the illegal areas off the cops map to find a solution to this, then the police would just switch to Civi and see on the civi map and take that information over to the cop side of things and "patrol" once more into illegal areas.

So, what do we have here today? Cops (with your beautiful APD tags on the forums) defending their selves and Rebels defending our thoughts. (unfortunately it seems the rebel side is greatly outnumbered on the forums so this will probably receive down-votes to uphold the power of the Police State we live in our Altis Life)

If you really want to pull the realistic card.. then when do you ever see a helicopter full of rebels flying around with people sitting on its benches with AR's drawn and ready to fire. 


If anything, the cops keeping the drug low and constantly patrol is more realistic than anything.. Our job is to keep the crime down, if you really want it to be realistic then let the cops camp illegal locations and set up sting ops instead of us rolling in from 500 meters away with sirens and lights on?


Not trying to be disrespectful, but you seem to be complaining because you are getting caught.

The thing is Professiondude, there needs to be some sought of balance between fun/realism. Going too realistic takes away the fun, thus having to balance it out. I understand where you are coming from though. Wait until Poseidon puts out the new map, I am sure a lot of stuff will change. Which will be for the better for both cops and civs. Everyone on the forums needs to stop being so mad about these posts and just debate the idea. It seems no one can put across there view without getting completely shut down by both the APD and even Admins. Quite pathetic.

lolol these posts get better and better.


Cops are not OP....


Checkpoints are used..seldom but they are used..


Cops can patrol as long as it follows the rules then thats the way its gonna be.


People....want freaking cops to just hand you all the freakin money and want us to not do a thing while you rek some kid who just spawned in so u can steal his ATV..yall are a joke. 


Go play on a wasteland server its gettin old. and honestly im getting so so sick of it.


Everything was on point until you got to the ATV/wasteland point. I've no clue what those lines are about. If you're sick of it don't jump in on the forums, I heard you lost something today (pretty valuable) don't bring your pain into my posts and drink some damn coffee bro-ham. This is simple debate over a suggestion i made, i didn't pitch this as an attack on the police.

The APD put up posts that are buffs to cops

i'm simply posting to equalize and nerf cops. 

Am i not allowed this right Admin Ace?

If you really want to pull the realistic card.. then when do you ever see a helicopter full of rebels flying around with people sitting on its benches with AR's drawn and ready to fire. 


If anything, the cops keeping the drug low and constantly patrol is more realistic than anything.. Our job is to keep the crime down, if you really want it to be realistic then let the cops camp illegal locations and set up sting ops instead of us rolling in from 500 meters away with sirens and lights on?


Not trying to be disrespectful, but you seem to be complaining because you are getting caught.


1. Surely there's a shitty country somewhere with dipshit rebels running around with guns, is it in a chopper? probably not.


2. Back to my point about cops knowing the locations of illegal fields/processors on the map, It shouldn't be available to them, DRUG DEALERS should be. It makes sense to know hotspots for drugdeals in RL and AL, so why not just limit the map for police only knowing the drug dealer locations, and would it be possible to randomize the field locations IN THE LEAST.


3. Eh, more or less i'm tired of seeing ghosthawks ruin my fun, because high ranking cop 1 wants to go on a LOL patrol and wreck anyone with a bounty in land sea or air.

   As for Virus, seeing this guy get quadra-tazes off on kids is suspicious as fuck, either you need to go to MLG gaming for some other game to get paid for your FPS skills or dumb down yourself by getting shitty internet lol. (that was a joke, don't rage on me )

Also, the aggression i take from this post reminds me of when i was tazed down by a new recruit on the APD for having a Vehicular manslaughter charge after i texted in the insurance fraud of the man that jumped on my hood lol.

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The one thing I agree with is cops in Ghosthawks seeing other Helis with someone thats wanted, sending there text and then blowing it out of the sky. I think at the least they should actively try and go for the tail rotor, and if that 'Rebel' is a good enough Pilot, then he will land and the cop force will take it from there. Thats my opinion anyways.


1. Surely there's a shitty country somewhere with dipshit rebels running around with guns, is it in a chopper? probably not.



Well Lemnos, or Altis as you might know it, is not a shitty country somewhere.


It's actually a fairly visited tourist place. So again, if you want to talk realism.. they don't have choppers going around with rebels hanging off the bench


Source: Lemnos

Look familiar?



Just saying.

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Well Lemnos, or Altis as you might know it is not a shitty country somewhere.


It's actually a fairly visited tourist place. So again, if you want to talk realism.. they don't have choppers going around with rebels hanging off the bench


Source: Lemnos


Just saying.


I didn't see that we needed to read up on any lore (tourist or nah) i assumed we were just RP'ing off the names of the cities/continents/states that we're playing in. 

Until we're given a book of this server's lore then i'm not going to reference anything from the real world, sorry if i didn't play Arma3 for the game itself and it said that this place was Lemnos, i came here for Altis Life because i saw my favorite RP streamer switching from DayZ to Altis Life. 


So if this server is going to take in the lore of being a tourist state, i'm going to start working at Red Burger or switching to a different set of servers.

Of course if this was a tourist island or whatever...why do we have access to so many choppers? lol

This whole things real dumb.


I play a lot of Civ, player skill is what matters. Cops aren't OP. That being said, lets cover what you discussed:


Checkpoints: A Fun, yet invalid way to control the crime throughout the country. When cops sit in CPs, theres usually little to no volume for extended periods of time, thus essentially just being a time wasting simulator. CPs are fun in short bursts, with a lot of players online - Past that, They're not worth the stringent requirements that we've placed on them (That can't be lowered).


Air Patrols: Having Air Patrol is something the APD enjoys having, and is a perk to having superior officers online. If you want to be repeatedly caught by Deps who make errors on the regular, thats your perogative I suppose - but when I fight the cops, I want the chance to Shrek some Corporals+ and steal those helis from them. Also regarding this - there are very few corporals on the APD when compared to other ranks, if there is a heli on your server - you should be considering yourself fortunate that you dont have to ignore (Half?) of the possible combat situations that you get to deal with in Altis.

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There are many gangs in Olympus [MC] and [LOST] which we just turned vigilante but probably not for long due to bugs and combat loggers. Also don't forget Burrito Bandits. WWW.clanlost.com we are always looking for new member 18+ and we play way more than just Arma 3 together. We have a military structure with most members being active in the military. Best clan ever I have been with them for 5 months now

figured it should be said, if you wanna look at realism, look at ANY person who sells drugs, nearly all of them have been caught by the cops and served time at one time or another, just part of the risk of making your money that way.


I currently make mine running legal stuff because the risk to run drugs was too great when i started, but thats a choice i made to RP

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