About This Club
Join us together to find the ever elusive chief of police winters on cop
- What's new in this club
r/trees joined the club
Fearless ;) joined the club
JamieMania joined the club
We no longer have a need to search for this man. He retired. I propose a going away party.
- 6
Tommyy joined the club
Larkerz joined the club
buckie joined the club
FreddyRobbinson joined the club
HydraPOX joined the club
TeXx joined the club
Doke joined the club
knifemaster joined the club
Number joined the club
hey guys
Linka joined the club
CoRnMan joined the club
Snake joined the club
StevenGG joined the club
Treebeard joined the club
PolarBear joined the club
616Kiosk joined the club
Lil_Calzone joined the club
Beacon joined the club
DylannS joined the club
jrain joined the club
Hoonter joined the club
.Hunter joined the club
LateWeevil joined the club
Lonzo joined the club
Gazz joined the club
Jose Cuervo joined the club
How goes the 13th CL ban?
Scorched joined the club
yea that says it 9..
S1LENT_R4AGE joined the club
Doc joined the club
Lieutenant Red joined the club
ChillX joined the club
Peapay joined the club
Frato joined the club
vilkas joined the club
and question about the donator pack with black swim suit and whatever tier armor and helm they get, maybe its just me but is there some kinda glitch with it? i shot a guy 5 times in face he healed and i shot him again five times in face with 7.62 and i died. does it make there head smaller? my shots not reg? im kinda confused on that never seen that before maybe just unlucky? let me know if anyone else experience this.
i dont know how im gay got into this but im married with a 11 year old .... and tilda abuses the rules way more than i do.. like going vigi then storing it and then hunting someone down seems kinda messed up to me.. or flying planes into sheds, i can go on and on but i heard its in the rules seems like a really broken system on the server ... yall think i abuse the rules kinda funny to any average person on the server to think you can go from cop to civ and not raid ur gangs shed or houses seems really sus to me or dont ever raid a donators house or shed lol.... broken af to me..
im so confused , what the f?
profiling a gay member of the community for “combat logging” (pulling out of a sexual situation with a woman before ejaculating) is not cool and NOT 100. Grandma “Head of Tilde” Gary, please see yourself out of this club. You are not representative of our progressive views
NOT 100, not cool.
I see 10 combat log bans in your ban history, I am disinclined to believe a word out of your mouth ^_^
banned by tilda cause game crashed , and watch leader tilda will take my case lol..... SMH, banned not reduced watch NOT 100, not cool.
Roflmetoffle joined the club
Crashh joined the club
devonthecow123 joined the club
Grandma Gary joined the club
Lucky luciano joined the club
Mayo762 joined the club
Iloveanime_astral joined the club
Mako joined the club
Raypod joined the club
Caden joined the club
Daniel162:^) joined the club
milos inflated dev2 ego posted a gallery image in Winters Search Party's Image Gallery
Decimus joined the club
Religion_ joined the club
you make me sick
Hi guys