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Graphic card questions

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Hi I just have a few questions Arma runs at like 20-23 fps at low and I think it is my graphics card. I have a nvidia something and I was wondering if you guys could tell me witch runs this game at an decent level, and without lowering my wallet to deep of a level.


Any help would be great thx




Sometimes raising the quality of the textures/objects will take stress off of your CPU and put it on GPU. Just a tip I read before installing ARMA

If you are looking for a new graphics card or CPU, look into the following.  A easy way to get an estimate on what you GPU and CPU can handle is by doing the following...

Start (button in the bottom left) =====> Right click on "Computer" =====> Click "Windows Experience Index" or "Get your rating" etc. =====>

after a few seconds you will get something that looks like this =====> http://puu.sh/eQ6JD/6e7b32bcf9.jpg =====> If your processor is under a 6.7 or so, that's what you need, if your gaming graphics are under a 7.0 or so, that is what you need.  Below you can find some graphics cards and a great CPU for extremely cheap.  Those are the best things to can get with your money, if you have a bigger budget go for a http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117403&cm_re=i7-_-19-117-403-_-Product

Good luck, have fun.


I posted the following in a separate post at    ...



The AMD FX-8350 is most definitely the most bang for your buck.  Under 200$, some motherboards cant hold it, but luckily mine could so i picked this baby up, performs like a beast, you shouldn't have any issues with it.  At the moment I'm using a AMD R9 270x graphics card, if, again, you want the most bang for your buck, pick up a R9 270 or 270x and you wont have any trouble with any game.  All recommendations/pointers if your interested in upgrading your PC, go crazy.


R9 270x link: http://www.newegg.co...N=-1&isNodeId=1

AMD FX-8350 8 core 4.0GHz CPU link: http://www.newegg.co...3-284-_-Product


PS:  If you decide to get a 270x or a 280, make sure you have a good enough power supply because they are pretty power hungry compared to the 270.


Regards -


Arma is extremely cpu intensive so it might not even be your graphics card. it would help if you could list your current build. 

i7 nivida something

1td hard drive

24g ram

msi motherboard 

a fan XD

i7 nivida something

1td hard drive

24g ram

msi motherboard 

a fan XD

If you want real help you need to give a little more information.


Example: My Build

CPU: Intel i7 4770k

GPU: Nvidia GTX 780 Ti

MoBo: Asus Maximus VI Hero



Cant tell you much without the part numbers.

also the resolution of your monitor is pretty important.

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