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Server Rule update 30/09/2018

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On 10/1/2018 at 10:35 PM, Doc said:

Slow down a bit, your mouth is getting ahead of your brain on something you know very little about. Firstly no one was salty, I had nothing to do with it until the video was given to me but as McDili said, this is something we have enforced for a long time and though it does rarely happen (most players are smart enough to know not to do it) several people have been banned for it in the past. It was never written as a rule because it fell under the use common sense/exploiting sections of the rule. Now it is in writing because someone forgot the stove was hot before they touched it.  

If ur not mad why get so defensive lol im just stating my opinion on the matter LOL I know about the situation beacuse one of the people involved is a good friend of mine so yea Hey Doc its ok all it takes is one angry admin or Senior APD to get something officially written LOL Just messing with you man dont take it personal  

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