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Locked APD Handbook Update 2/11/2019

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Chapter XV - Bait Cars

  1. Bait cars are not to be used at any time for patrol.

    1. Exception - Sergeants+ may utilize SUVs and Hatchback Sports bait cars for unmarked patrol.

            1. Unmarked patrols may not enter redzones without probable cause.
  2. At any given time, a maximum of 3 bait cars may be in use by the APD on a single server.
  3. Bait cars may be left in illegal areas. However, this does not warrant “camping” of the illegal area.

    1. Bait cars must be accompanied by a marked APD vehicle into the illegal area. This is for engagement purposes.
  4. Activation of the vehicle, or movement of the GPS tracker gives probable cause to raid any red zone the aforementioned vehicle was left in, regardless of time since the last visit.
  5. If the APD come under attack during transportation of the bait car to the desired location, the APD are allowed to retaliate in order to resolve the situation.
  6. APD Bait cars are only to be given to civilians in order to facilitate police operations.





PSA: Intentionally untextured vehicles (i.e. the RHIB, Jet Ski, and Qilin) may be used to patrol red-zones as normal

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