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Arma 3/stream ready PC build

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let me know what I can do to fix this or if its perfect and can run arma 3 and stream let me know.

I use a 1050ti and it keeps up great. 60 frames all the time with correct settings. (Mostly high) but I have a feeling it will not keep up well of you are also streaming 

Also a 60 hz monitor will not let you see frames above 60. Not a big deal in arma but in other games it's nice to be able to use all you can.

Arma does use GPU. Yes the cpu is the most used, but uses evga precision XOC and watch what your frames do when the card does not run at max. In Kavala for instance my card likes to run at 1040ghz rather than 1990. My frames drop to 30-40 then. Once out of Kav it jumps back to 70-80 FPS and gpu clock back to 1900+ all on ultra 

I'd head to microcenter if you have one nearby and make sure you're positive you're okay with that mouse. 

Overkill CPU cooler as well, go for something cheaper and put it towards a better GPU.

Your PSU is also overkill, you're only pulling 234W.  Also your monitor is 60hz, find a better option that's 144hz.

In my opinion you're allocating your money for medium to high grade parts that don't need to be.

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