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Selling Gear


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1 - Pilot Coveralls 
3 - Spar Tasers
1 - Spar 16S + 2 mags
8 - MX tasers + mags
23 - Stones
1 - Type 115 Taser
1 - 7.62 Suppressor 
2 - 6.5 Suppressors
1 - Beret [NATO] Colonel
800 Warpoints

Hmu with offers. Selling for reasonable price. 

11 minutes ago, Darren Nsonowa said:

How much for the Type Taser and 6.5 suppressor?

type is 300k
6.5 supp is depending on warpoint cost. 
15k per warpoint. 
12.5k per point if bought in bulk

3 minutes ago, MichaelDatBoi said:

ill buy all 8 mx tasers 

all 8, 1.5mil

1 hour ago, MichaelDatBoi said:

deal when can u get on?

im on now. 


1 hour ago, Capez said:

How much for the spars 

reg spars are 150k a piece.
Looking for 1.3 for the spar 16S


34 minutes ago, Vasqular said:

Ill buy type taser for 400k pm me

Im on now. Msg me in game. 

Server 1 btw

You can add me on steam @MichaelDatBoi @Capez @Vasqular 


2 minutes ago, MAV said:

How much per wp?



2 hours ago, bigPat said:

15k per warpoint. 
12.5k per point if bought in bulk


On 4/17/2019 at 1:03 PM, bigPat said:

1 - Pilot Coveralls 
3 - Spar Tasers
1 - Spar 16S + 2 mags
8 - MX tasers + mags
23 - Stones
1 - Type 115 Taser
1 - 7.62 Suppressor 
2 - 6.5 Suppressors
1 - Beret [NATO] Colonel
800 Warpoints

Hmu with offers. Selling for reasonable price. 

Everything still for sale other than the warpoints.
No one has made any real effort to buy or msg me on steam to buy. 
Hit me up with offers. Selling for a reasonable price. 

35 minutes ago, bigPat said:

Everything still for sale other than the warpoints.
No one has made any real effort to buy or msg me on steam to buy. 
Hit me up with offers. Selling for a reasonable price. 

I’ll buy the 3 spars. How much for each mx?

18 minutes ago, Nex is the name said:

Ill take 100


1 hour ago, bigPat said:

Everything still for sale other than the warpoints.
No one has made any real effort to buy or msg me on steam to buy. 
Hit me up with offers. Selling for a reasonable price. 


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