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2 minutes ago, sploding said:

It's still one of the stupidest things I've heard. even IRL if an officer fucks up they can't face criminal liability unless they have actually broken a law, breaking departmental SOPs only will open you up for internal action and a civil suit.



The reason civs get banned is because it's the fairest and quickest way of making sure someone is punished, the SAPD and SRnR have a toolbox with everything from counseling to blacklist and bans have no place in there especially considering ripping a whitelist has no effect. If a medic or cop keep repeatedly breaking faction rules demote them or blacklist them if it's bad enough since it's not a right to play cop or medic.



This blurs the line between server staff and faction admin too close for comfort, I guran-fucking-tee it's going to be abused at some point in the future and it puts undue stress on cops and medics when they already need to follow a second rulebook. If someone keeps breaking faction rules use you discipline tools and unless they broke server rules just remove their whitelist and "ban" them from the faction.

Yeah they do get removed, blacklisted, etc. This rule is legit just in place so people dont do STUPID things on PURPOSE while on these factions. Thats it lol. If you add 37 aiding in BW charges and then send someone to jail, you are getting banned. If you forget to call out that you are searching a vehicle, you will not be banned. Simple.

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