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Why Racism is Bad

Racism, probably the touchiest subject known to man right next to 9/11, racism can be defined in many different ways, offensive, humorous, and to make a point. But here's my take on it, racism is a shitty thing and a shitty thing to be, a racist. You're putting down other humans because of the color of their skin, it's extremely messed up and has no necessary to it. Especially in modern day America, if you don't know this page of history (if you don't you're living under a rock) then let me fill you in. Back in the mid 1800's Africans were imprisoned by the British army, since they were so foreign and unheard of, the British kept them as prisoners. Basically treating them like they weren't humans, treating them as they should reserve the right to live like white people do, so shortly after many Africans were captured, American Exporters and Traders decided to make deals with the Brits', basically offering money to ship them across to all over America, then when they arrived in America, typically they were auctioned off and bought (usually by southerners) and kept as "slaves". This unveils the darkest chapter in American history and quite literally the gates that opened to "Racism". While the Africans were kept as slaves by Americans they were given a nickname that is unfortunately used in modern day America. That word is "N word", it's a highly offensive word that shouldn't be used against anyone that is brown/black. And if you say this word in modern day, you have all rights to get punched straight in the fucking nose. Racism is still tolerated in so many places it's unreal, so many people have so much hate in their heart against other people for having a different skin color. It's fucked, it's completely and utterly fucked, there is groups that have been around ever since Africans were seen in America that were founded specifically to capture, tourtre, enslave, and kill. Groups like this consist of the KKK, and the Aryan Brotherhood. There is entire groups out there, in this massive world, that are made just to discriminate people for being born with a different color of skin besides white. Something they can't even help, it's fucked. It shouldn't be tolerated and especially after African Americans had to go through hundreds of years ago. It's an extremely messed up world, and shit like this shouldn't be tolerated, not by anyone. Racism is just borderline hate, there's no reasoning behind it, there's no justification behind it. And yet there are people out there who are racist to an entire race because of a group that are that race. They'll use that as an excuse to not like a race. If that were a proper reason as to why you're allowed to be racist, then I could be racist to anyone on this planet, I could hate mexicans because there's a kid at my school who's a dick to everyone and is mexican, I could hate black people because I got beat up by a black kid in the 4th grade, I could hate white people because I've encountered absolute trailer trash that deserve to get the shit beat out of them, I could say I hate Asians because China murders animals by the millions and goes unpunished, I could go and hate every race in the world because of a certain group of people that are that race. But that's just stupid, because no matter what race, no matter how many bad people are in that race, there's always the good.


Edited by Jerrod
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