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Locked Server Rule Update 3/15/2020

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Chapter 5: Aviation

  1. Warning shots may be given to air units (including the R&R) if you do not wish for them to land near your location (3 single rounds shot not directly at the air unit).
  2. If a person does not fly away after given warning shots, you may then open fire on them.
  3. If in a helicopter, you may send a text to another vehicle to engage RP.
  4. Against R&R, warning shots are only acceptable in redzones on air and ground units.

Chapter 13: Red / Illegal Zone / Rebel Outposts

       5. Medics may only be killed inside an illegal zone if the following criteria is met, a Medic must be warned to leave the area through either an EMS text, Direct Chat, or Warning Shots before a Medic is killed. (Firing warning shots at a Medic may only be done inside illegal zones) 5 seconds must be given to give the Medic enough time to leave the area. If the Medic abides by the warning and tries to leave the area then you cannot continue shooting at the Medic.

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