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player report evidence

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correct me if I'm wrong but shouldn't  a 1 hour stream be enough evidence to get a guy banned i reported a Silla member and for some reason a 1 hour stream showing the whole sit is not enough evidence that  a bit weird to me   

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Was there a terror? Did you have tagged gang members in kav in an active gun fight? Did you break NLR? If non of these are true you can always resubmit the report asking for a admin+ to review it.

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7 minutes ago, gaz smith said:

no their was no tera i had restrained a tagged sila at weed witch was over 2 k away from pd  but had just died their and third i was a cop

If you were a cop you have some more things to consider: were there any other cops in Kav? If so, did they turn on their sirens in the last 5 minutes? If not, did the other cops engage s in the last 5 minutes without sirens?

If the answer is no to all of those, then I would recommend resubmitting the report if you still believe a rule was broke , and specifying that you would like the next person in the chain of command. This means that if a moderator denied your player report, you request an admin on the next report. If an admin denied it, then request a senior admin, and so on and so forth. If you submit another player report requesting the next tier in the chain of command and it gets denied as well, I would recommend leaving it at that. If two tiers of the chain say nothing was wrong, it’s likely that nothing was wrong.

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My advice would be to cut out the unneeded parts of your stream. There's so many loopholes in cop vs civ engagement I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere along the line you were still technically engaged with silla.

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