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Stayclaxxy Soyboy 2:

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If you had a case, you wouldn't have to lock the threads and post screenshots taken heavily out of context to defend yourself, and timing me out in discord to defend yourself.   Trying to silence me so you can control the narrative is the most aids way imaginable to handle this shit.  

You're taking a screenshot from discord HEAVILY out of context to defend yourself for silencing me on the forums and on discord for a situation YOU CHOSE TO BRING UP where you staff spawned in vehicles at gang base for your gang.  

You admitted you did it AT THE TIME.  I called you out for it in side chat and you replied "this bitch stay watching out gang base."    You said after that "I can spawn in whatever the fuck I want."  

Then almost a year later you brought it up again and I said I MAY have video, I'd have to look... as I literally have OVER 600 VIDEOS ON MY hard drive, and explained there'd be no point in looking as you are technically allowed to spawn in whatever you want and there would be no consequences.  Some of those videos are more than 6 hours long.  You stuck on that and kept insisting I said I definitely do,  when I only said it was posisble.  You kept bringing it up for months whenever you wanted to start shit.

You abuse staff constantly for your gang, and are actually guilty of the shit Mako has been accused of for years as a meme.  You are the exact type of staff on this server that makes people wonder if that nutjob peach collector might be onto something.  You shouldn't be staff.  You don't deserve staff.  You rage at the slightest criticism, and abuse your position to silence people who call you out for your bullshit.

My grandma learned how to write html when she was 60.  You aren't special, yet alone special enough to have an ego like you do.  There are 0 reasons a webdev should need to be able to spawn shit in.. and you wasted no time in abusing the living fuck out of it, and you expect me to dig through over 2000 hours of videos to find one where you did, so you can go back to your original excuse of 'I can spawn in whatever I want' and there be no consequences against you whatsoever.  What would even be the point.

You are bring way more attention to the shit you get up to by trying to silence me for bringing it up, and constantly bringing it up to argue with me a long fucking time after the fact than ever would have been brought to it if you had just made a mental note and stfu.  

I'm sure you gonna lock this, and try AGAIN to silence me, probably in some more fucked up ways... but eventually, people are going to start recording the vehicle spawns and staff revives now that they all know about it, and the heats gonna build up.  1-2 videos won't mean shit, but there will be more ... OR you'll be more careful and cut that shit out which would be a win for the server regardless.  

You make every staff member on this server look bad by association with the shit you get up to, and you make them look even worse by harassing people who call you out on it and trying to silence them.  

If you had a single valid fucking point to make, you wouldn't have to lock my posts to make it so you can control the narrative.

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If you had a single valid fucking point to make, you wouldn't have to time me out on discord so you can control the narrative.

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  • Senior Web Developer

post the video. you obviously care enough to keep making posts, you could take the time to find your video and post it.

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1 minute ago, stayclaxxy said:

post the video. you obviously care enough to keep making posts, you could take the time to find you video and post it.

I probably don't have it.  I said I MAY HAVE IT,  but there's no fucking point in spending literally hundreds of hours sifting through videos for one snippet that you would brush off and there would be no consequences for.  You admitted it openly at the time and I had no reason to save it.  You said "this bitch stay watching our gang base" and later "i can spawn in whatever I want."  

You waited months to ask for a video that I indicated I MAY HAVE and was perfectly clear at the time it would be buried in hundreds of hours of videos and that I might not even have it as I had no reason to save it as you were admitting you did it.  You waited months, then denied it ever happened at all and started demanding videos as if I said I have it.  You're being manipulative as shit to coverup what you did when you're technically allowed to do it.

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THE ABSOLUTE WORST FUCKING PART OF ALL OF THIS, is that what I said about him spawning in pawnees wasn't even that big of a deal.  He didn't effect serverplay.  It was him and his gang using them to fight eachother.  It could be argued that it was completely fucking innocent.  I wasn't making a big deal out of that at all.  

THE ONLY ISSUE I BROUGHT UP WITH IT, was that if they are using AT's to hit rebel boat from that gangbase, WHEN THEY ARE DICKING AROUND WITH STAFF SPAWNED VEHICLES, they should do it in a more remote location because they are demonstrating that their gang base is not exactly neutral ground, and can become a fighting spot at any moment, and it's unfair for players trying to attack or titan them to push when they have ridiculous vehicles they shouldn't have in play.  


Because he couldn't take the mild criticism that that shouldn't happen AT GANG BASE, not that he shouldn't spawn them in at all. 

@ stayclaxxy  Is an overly emotional edgelord retard that has staff for the same reason my 9 year old nephew has a park ranger badge for his schools field trip to state park.   I have 4 hours left on my timeout... end this shit right now for the principle of it and send that windowlicker to his room to cry under his charles manson posters after lighting 10 dollar store candles.

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you are a 40 year old who acts like a child who does nothing but spur shit for attention, maybe its time to grow up?

1 minute ago, ben- said:

you are a 40 year old who acts like a child who does nothing but spur shit for attention, maybe its time to grow up?

Congrats on hitting r3 in aegis sometime tonight.

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2 minutes ago, Community Director Sov said:

Congrats on hitting r3 in aegis sometime tonight.

my large friend ben- is actually rank 4, he just doesn't like to flex so he stays at 2.

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6 minutes ago, Community Director Sov said:

Congrats on hitting r3 in aegis sometime tonight.


i finally did it, how did you know i was gonna get it?

4 minutes ago, ben- said:

i finally did it, how did you know i was gonna get it?

Because I don't think claxxy coulda drank a glass of water when you said 


12 minutes ago, ben- said:

you are a 40 year old who acts like a child who does nothing but spur shit for attention, maybe its time to grow up?


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reminder this is a grown "woman" who has put vast emotional resources into a fucking arma 3 roleplay server with an average of 80 players at peak hours

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