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Medic inactivity

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I have been saying this since last Oct when I was an Air Responder and I always got shut down about the idea. FREE Medics and let them help and save lives EVERYWHERE on the Map including Rebels and Warzone...just let ALL Ranks of Medics SAVE people EVERYWHERE PLEASE!!!! And on another note, keep up the good work out there R&R :)

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I would never do that Danny its against the server rules.

right i remember you trolling lockpicking my offroad specifically as a joke. at least you didnt rob the thing. but "of course you wouldnt do that because its against server rules" 

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Just know that the next update is going to be good to the medics.

Also, medics will likely never have access to weapons.  It completely defeats the purpose of the roll.  We would be just like any other civ with the exception of having the ability to revive.  Medics would get destroyed since we are in all yellow and people know when we are going to respond.  We also are generally alone.  So no to weapons.

There are also reasons medics are not allowed to respond to rebel and warzone.  Sooo, number one, those areas are intended to be high risk areas.  Allowing medics to respond negates some of that risk.  The same goes for warzone.  However, there are always ways around this.  If you are able to take a medic hostage you can take them into the warzone, or rebel outpost, and utilize their services.  For those naysayers that will reply by saying we wont respond when you attempt to trick us I will say your right, which means you need to try to be more tactful and not so straight forward with what your doing.  I throw people a bone, or give them the benefit of the doubt, if they actually try and do something clever to catch me.  Anyways.  Again we are trying to come up with some good stuff to entice people to play medic.

Here is a list of a few good things about medic.


Ground- Quad, hatch, off-road, ambulance(box truck), and hemmit.

Air - M900, Orca, and Mohawk

Water - Dive suit and speedboat.

Something new with the upcoming update!  Gear will stay with the medic, as it does with APD, when you die, which means no more needing to store or re-gear upon initial re-spawn or when you die.  Hugh time saver and way more convenient.

-Recent addition of impound yards that allow medics to impound abandon vehicles for cash.

-Newly revamped uniforms and vehicle skins.

-Amnesty from robbery or theft of vehicles.

-If active, you can become a heavy responder, and have access to the M900, within 3 weeks.


Also, again, things are under consideration to further spice up the roll, but there is nothing to confirm at this time.




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