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  • Big Boss Fredo

    During routine patrol activities in support of the Kavala precinct the real niggas
    apprehended a bunch of npc cops carrying approximately $14,000,540 in tasers.

    The bots was given a summons to appear before the Kav rat courthouse and was sent on his way

  • hawkg

    after 100 days of being gone its disappointing to see @ -Shawn-  still farming tickets. Imagine banning someone off something that never happened lol. Ahhh yes this clip clearly shows the hunter being blown up, and the player is clearly deserving of 600k compensation for the vehicle that never blew up. Someone please make him senior admin so his amazing administrative ability has a wider reach. https://gyazo.com/9bf82d1eeedd5cf2b40d8f640bbf2f79

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