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About hawkg

Olympus Plus
  • Birthday 02/17/2008

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  • Olympus Gang
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    kavala square office building
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  1. @ Masonn  Cole Palmer doesn’t know u exist lil bro 

    1. Masonn


      That's alright your dad doesn't know you exist 🤷‍♂️

  2. Warpoints still broken devs need to fix asap rocky 

  3. Staff sanctioned rap battle in kavala when? 


  4. Staff still banning people with no evidence just because their friends told them to lol. If u don’t have staff friends u will always be at a disadvantage. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hawkg


      No evidence or dispute lol. Staff friends go a long way 

    3. hawkg


      Shit does not make u want to play the server 

    4. Baba El Chavo

      Baba El Chavo

      @ Ryan  I found a new senior admin for you @ Badserverbadplayers .  This guy seems like someone who won't make friends with anyone. you should hire him.

      This is how you can ensure justice on the server

      trust me, make him admin

  5. @ -dante- u are a joke bro 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hawkg


      The guy legit admitted to the rule break in the dispute lol. He justified it because “dude you shot at my car suck a dick” u are a moron 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      FUCK @ -dante-  RACIST BITCH ADMIN

    4. -dante-
  6. Happy birthday @ Fraali       Free the guys good sir 

  7. @ Jordan540 going to the ravens game tonight 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hawkg


      Lol what happened @ WALT

    3. WALT


      We got shit on. Time for change.

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      @ WALT Tomlin has looked like Marvin Lewis over the last 8 years.

  8. @ ThatNerdyGuy your team is a joke lol!  Ravens are the king in the north.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hawkg


      No he’s a bengals fan 

    3. ThatNerdyGuy


      I was at the game on Saturday in Pittsburgh. I can't wait to see Pittsburgh get bounced by the Ravens this weekend. But really, KC is afraid of the Bengals, the ONLY team to give them a run for their money since Brady.

    4. hawkg


      Yeah I think kc definitely wanted to lose so the bengals wouldn’t make it in. They had the excuse of sitting the 1st string of course

  9. @ ThatNerdyGuy  sorry ass team lol. bmore winning the bowl 

    1. JoeL
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Gotta beat the Chiefs, couldn’t last year. 

  10. Why do u say that my boy?
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