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About HydraIV

R&R Medic
  • Birthday 08/22/2001

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. top tier game play 10 outta 10 would watch again, L + Ratio Bozo for camping rebel with a tazer to get kits
  2. +1, man does meth and plays Olympus 23 hours a day. How can you hate this guy?
  3. I suck dick behind walmart for buss fair and still walk home
  4. Ay m8 I passed ther APD test today :DD


    1. Goodman


       Good to hear! Glad I could Help!

    2. HydraIV


      Yea dude thanks m8 I appreciate it Im in Charlie now :D


  5. I failed the test D: But hey I know what I gotta study so yay :D

    1. BlackJack


      I'm sorry sir but u should have studied before the test and the test isn't at all hard u have once agian disappointed me .

    2. HydraIV


      I did study I read the book 10 times but I was so nervous that I couldn't think straight XD what I need to study is actually easy

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