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Everything posted by Ajax

  1. Ajax


    ill see what I can do
  2. Ajax


    honestly thats actually not a horrible Idea
  3. Ajax


    Alright! I was just trying something different
  4. Ajax


    You right I’ll wipe tree
  5. Ajax


    I’m gonna do it and wipe TI just to show you you’re wrong
  6. Ajax


    Pushing cap in a HEMTT?
  7. Ajax


    I never clarified this. The reason I made this was to have a little bit of fun. I'm aware it will not be practical as it would draw more attention to trucks then needed. Do y'all like the style? would you like to see other cars in this style?
  8. Ajax


    As usual all feedback is much appreciated. I didn't have a plan when making this one and went with what I thought would look good. LMK what yall think about it. Would you use it? @Gluxdator
  9. Ajax


    After I got home I swapped around a few colors and changed up some of the lighting layers to fit my needs more. I want to put something on the chest but as this is a concept texture I don't want to specify it too much. lmk what yall think, i'm off to work now but when I get back ill be doing more work on this texture. @Gluxdator
  10. Ajax


    You will really like the van skin I made... I’ll post it when I get home, as for the uniform here I worked on it a bit before school and it looks ALOT better. I’ll work on adding some texture to it when I get home then post an updated version for y’all when I get home
  11. Ajax


    That’s kinda the point tho... you need to have some contrast between the sleeves and chest especially with the color black Bc if you don’t it tends to just look like garbage. What I may end up doing is turning all the green in the texture, as it’s not very visible into the same grey as the shirt to sort of blend the 2 together.
  12. I made a concept texture for rebel uniforms. Not too sure I like the colors I currently have on it and just looking at it I can see that the shoes are too bright. I may end up changing the brown to red or some other color for a little contrast. Just wanted to post before I went to bed to get some input on it. In some places the brown doesn't look the best so I will add some texture to it tomorrow when I get home from work in hopes that it makes it look less plasticy. If not I'll just end up doing an entire color scheme swap and try out different reds and blues. Please leave constructive input below. Thanks y'all! @Gluxdator
  13. Hope you join the APD today buddy!

  14. Honestly I know you’re kidding with this but if you can edit the montage correctly to sync up you can make an insane montage
  15. That means alot, thanks
  16. Thanks boys
  17. Hat is indeed a mod. I just thought it would look better when presenting the texture...
  18. Hey boys, So i saw in the changelog that they added a new christmas suit and saw a little bit of it on the servers. I decieded to make one myself on stream and am pretty happy with the results. Constructive feedback would be appreciated. anyways here you go! If you haven't already go follow my twitch at: https://www.twitch.tv/ajax_og also a thanks to @ikiled and @Pledge for joining the stream and also a thanks to @Gluxdator for showing me a much more efficient way to work.
  19. Rip... guess I was wrong sorry bout that
  20. Honestly bring back just the prowler... it’s not cancerous at cartels and is fairly decent at off-road. Also not as fast as quilin so it fits perfectly...
  21. Ajax


    Damn I didn’t think you even checked the forums. I feel honored that you responded to my post :))
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