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About Zoro

  • Birthday 06/07/1999

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Mk1 for sure. More armor pen, and less recoil, makes Orcas ez pz
  2. Zoro

    Gang Wars.

    Twas a shit gang wars
  3. Zoro

    RIP Tree

    Yep Your gang funds are gone too D:
  4. :I When you get permanently moderated on the forums on 5 accounts  #feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels

  5. Zoro

    Big Towers

    Staff thinks its "Lag" In towers SMH
  6. Zoro


    I dont want members to see*
  7. Zoro


    I was gonna post something bad but I decided not to.
  8. Zoro


    I dont feel like getting permed so -Snip-
  9. server 3 is up and its 0/90 Its LOCKED THO 

    1. Fuzy


      Thanks captain obvious

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