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About Wigs

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  1. +1 voting yes but for the increased paycheck reward and not for WP. say for every cartel your gang holds your paycheck is increased by x% amount. it would have to be enough to provide incentive but not so high to be broken. /shrug edit: basically what pledge said xD
  2. price?
  3. dank clip
  4. Hello, I am fairly new to Olympus with about 20 ish hours on the server, but I used to play Asylum (sorry not sorry). Recently got back into the game and looking forward to playing with this community, loving it so far. In game name is Wigs but I can't change my forum name yet.
  5. Wigs

    After I Quit

    memes aside this is probably what their real mission would be, satellite defense. https://news.nationalgeographic.com/2018/06/space-force-trump-legal-military-role-satellites-science/
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