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Everything posted by Gidgit

  1. MEDIC!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Stop evading. Stop evading
  3. APD hands up. You are in possession of police equipment
  4. Coming from a moderator. lol
  5. I hate snow. It says we are going to get plastered this year
  6. Sounds like you are getting way to excited there ham
  7. Well i am extremely sad to see this. Ace you were and still are a great impact on this community. Its a shame to see a great leader step down. I see and do understand why. It is pretty unfortunate. I wish you the best of luck brother. Come back and visit from time to time would you. I would like to thank you for my apd experience you have shared with me. I greatly appreciate it and salute you sir. I hope to see you on from time to time my friend
  8. ghost hawk skins are not there and dont have the apd features. sgt uniforms i havent seen yet. i dont have a option to buy one
  9. i wasnt really high. They didn't give me meds like that. They gave me stuff that pretty much numbed my eye.
  10. So this morning I spend the first 2 in a half hours at the eye doctor. Normally that visit isn't horrible. But for me it was. First thing this morning while working on some truck I some how managed to get rust into my eye. Some how it embeded it self into place. Long story short I went to the eye doctor. Where they he felt the need to poke my eye ball with a needle looking thing to get the rust out. Than says he needed to sand some of the eye ball to get the tiny pieces of rust out. Lol I shit you not this dude takes this little vibrating thing with what looks like a tiny rake at the end and puts it on my eye ball. Like what the wtf lol. I know its just his on but really. Talk about the worst feeling in the world. Note to self and everyone that wants to pursue my career choice and fix cars for a living. Wear safety glasses. Trust me you won't regret it. So anyways. How was your guys morning
  11. Hey now i got the stupid studs out lol
  12. lol so am i. I should be focusing on the cars and trucks im fixing.....
  13. Man no takers to finish this truck for me. Well that's bullshit.
  14. I will admit bubbaloo is on almost every night. If not every other night. He does put in a hour or two a night. And weekends he does put in a few hours per day when he isn't with the wife Now on a serious note. Who wants to come up to new York and help me get these broken manifold studs out of the head on a 99 ford f350. I already got 8 of them out. Only 2 left. I would greatly appreciate it. I'll even give you 1 mil arma money. :-)
  15. Brody yes it worked beautifully for me. I am running nice and smooth again. I highly recommend it. And wizardary. Yes you should be able to link it on here. I do have a nice card that doesn't completely get utilized. I'd love to use it note. Toss that link up I'm interested in seeing it
  16. To be honest. I don't understand half of that stuff. All I know is before the update I was buttery smooth running 60 fps. After the update I wouldn't see more than 40 frames and got horrible spikes every 10 seconds dropping me down to 12 frames. And any engagement I was around 12 frames. I absolutely hated doing feds. I was at 5 to 6 frames during a fed. After I was told this and did it. I'm back to running a nice smooth 60 frames on ultra settings. No more lag spikes. No more frame drops
  17. I know several of you (mostly cops) have been having lag issues and random screen glitching and freezing every couple of seconds. All started since the last update. well it was passed onto me on a way to fix it and bring back your frames and make the game run nice and smooth again. Ive been running it for a few days and i am beyond happy on how well my game runs again. Back to 60 FPS :-) so here it is. Step 1) go to steam library Step 2) right click on arma 3 and go to properties Step 3) Click on Set Launch Options. Step 4) copy and paste this. exactly as it is written to the launch options: -nosplash -nologs after you do that. click ok and launch arma. give it a few minutes once you are in the server to get past the first time join lag. once it smooths out you should be good. if you have had massive frame drops like i have the last 2 weeks. you should notice a huge difference. I hope it works for you guys like it did for me.
  18. Yes Bobby i do remember that. Thank you my friend.
  19. Alright guys. This post that bubba put up was ment for happiness. Let's try and keep it on topic. Everyone going back and forth with each other is not going to benefit anyone. We are all friends here and we all are apart of this community. I do understand the concerns everyone has mentioned. But Let's try and keep this friendly. I'm not saying anyone of this because the original post is about me. I'm saying this because we all play together on a daily basis. This bickering will effect our in game time with each other. With the end of this post I hope the debate ends. just remember friends. We are all apart of this community together.
  20. Thank you everyone. I really do appreciate it. I couldnt have gotten this far if it wasnt for all of my friends in this community. So thank you guys. Don't forget to congradulate Brody on his Sgt promotion. And therealkyle for his corp promotion.
  21. hahahahahahhaha
  22. oh i agree for sure. luck was on my side for that one. and a little bit of skill. mostly luck for sure. i want to do it again.
  23. Thank you sir. I was a little nervous. i at first was unsure if i should have kept the same path i went or pulled up more and went over. said screw it and went for it. totally worth it
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