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Everything posted by Gidgit

  1. I like the new uniforms. i Think they look very professional. Although i do miss my red stripe :-( As for my frames. Since the update on server 2. i have been having a hard time running smooth. ill get a nice 20 min of game play at my normal 60 frames. Than it all goes down hill from there. Last night a perfect example. On the ground i couldnt see more than 35 to 40 frames. with constant lag spikes making a combat situation near impossible. And while on a heli patrol. i couldnt get above 20 frames with lag spikes. While i was streaming and recording for the fed and after the fed. i literally didnt see anything more than 10 to 12 frames. Normally i sit about 50 when i am streaming and recording. It might very well be my computer. but i dont think so. Before the update i ran perfect. my current specs are: i7 3770k 12 gb ram asus geforce gtx 770 directcu 2 2 tb hd
  2. my frames went to shit. normally at 60. i couldnt get about 30 to save my life. and thats 30 min into a reset
  3. Keep your head up booboo. i know the feeling all to well. just focus on what you have to focus on. You will always have your Olympus friends and family here for support. as for the haters. "Shake it off". When you are ready to come join us again. We will be here with open arms. Keep your head up brother. Much love from myself and the rest of the olympus community. i agree with you peter. Growing up for me really was horrible. ive seen friends die. my family completely fell apart. my father was a scumbag. Mother went nuts. I deff understand man. Like peter said. if you ever need to talk. I would be more than happy to help. Add me on steam or pm me on here. Ill even give you my cell phone number if you ever need to talk. Its not easy. I understand that. Keep your head held high and push forward. We got you brother
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4JyqY5bmZk
  5. Ok guys this topic is getting way off track. The whole point i put this here was to inform people of why they may have gotten removed.
  6. Im just writing this to answer everyone's questions at once. Over the last few hours i have gotten texts, steam messages, and personal messages on here asking why you were removed from the apd. Well here is the reason. It is nothing personal to anyone who has been removed. There was a survey last sunday that was a requirement by every apd member to be filled out. Every member was given a week to fill out the survey and submit. My understanding of the survey was to filter out the inactive apd members and to also narrow downs and create squads for a good chain of command system. If you feel you were removed by mistake. Than feel free to submit a ticket or contact a SAPD member via message on here. That will help keep the confusion down. And Also allow the SAPD to do their jobs with out being pulled in every which direction to answer the same question over and over. I hope this clears things up for people. #deltasquadforthewin!!!!!
  7. Well what the shit goonie. Now who am i going to get mad at for purposely saying my name wrong. well this is depressing. I wish you the best man. it was always fun playing with you man. needless to say the olympus family will miss you.
  8. Haha
  9. Yes sir. I will fix it :-)
  10. Thanks fedot. I'll check it out when ever I get home from work later
  11. oh and forgive me for the quality. i record in 1080p. but for what ever reason when i shorten the video down and edit it the quality goes to shit. ill have to find a better software or figure out how to use windows movie maker better
  12. For the next few days my activity on Olympus will be at a minimum, Work for what ever reason has gotten stupid busy and everyone and their grandmother apparently chose this week to have their cars fixed. lets just say the over time is going to be real this week.... bitter sweet. 1 job im not looking forward to is a 05 ford escape. customer absolutely loves the car for what ever reason. i wrote her a $3300 repair estimate. That being said most people would run from that repair bill. But the lady paid for the repair up front in cash. Great for the business. Horrible for the tech doing the work (me). Rust upon rust upon rust.... aghhhhhh lol. its roughly 19 hours worth of labor on all suspension and brake work. So needless to say that job is going to suck balls. and the rest of the appointments for the week are no cake walk either. One thing i can say is i am great ful we are busy and have good money rolling in. i will try to get on. but the way its looking. i wont be able to get on until sat at the soonest. maybe friday night depending on what time i get out of work. So play fair, fight strong, and make bank my olympus family. See you this weekend :-)
  13. ughhh its m onday, i dont wanna. lets hope this week goes by fast 

  14. well i didnt see this coming. Jorbis man it was great playing with you. i am really sad to see you go. I wish you the best of luck brother. Keep your head glues high and push for them dreams. Leave us a line here on olympus from time to time. would ya
  15. Lmao hyperion Ares. Best version ever!!!
  16. Oh kranger. You know you like it
  17. for what?
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=srBgUJ4ekjY skip to 1:40
  19. I agree withat failuar to identity than sent to jail. I'm against sending people to jail for quoting rules. I just don't like it
  20. Than the part that gets me the most is after we do send them to jail because they refuse to give a name. 90% of the time the civ gets pissed and salty than the dispatch messages get spammed and the reporting threats come in. Well that all could have been avoided if you rp'd and didn't give the officers a hard time. That does nothing but make the game play non enjoyable. The point of the life mod is to act as if everything was real. In real life if you refuse to give a name or an id. You get held in a cell until they can figure out who you are. And it just makes the situation worse and pissed people off. Just like quoting rules. In real life do you really think by quoting something or a law or something to a cop that it is going to work out in your favor. Point I'm making is. You obviously did something at some point to get into that situation. So don't go making it worse for yourself. It won't work out in your favor at all. Also. Sending people to jail for quoting rules. I don't like that nor do I honor it. I think that is pissing poor attempt on the officers side. We are cops on the server. Not administration or moderators. It is not our job to do their job. I hate that feature. If a civ wants to quote rules than so be it. Let them. Go through the process as normal and attempt to rp with the civ. If they refuse to rp and just make a big deal than once you have done the LIST process than send them to jail. Remember guys LIST. My opinion you should never send someone straight to jail for quoting rules. Rp on your side. Make sure you dot your I's and cross your T's. Do everything right on your side. If I'm on and someone asks me to send someone to jail for quoting rules. I will automatically say no than take over the situation and do the processing myself. Remember we are just cops. Not admins or moderators
  21. Ive noticed over the last few weeks the whole " i dont have any identification or i lost my idea or i have no dna" lines have been used during processing. My opinion that is not a valid form of rp. Yes us as officers do have that option to send someone to jail for that. obviously as long as we RP it, but that honestly is no fun and is completely boring. The whole point i play cop is for the RP. I love the RP on this server. But lately ive noticed these lines have become more and more common. Honestly guys that really takes the fun out of it. Its not because i want your bounty or i want to add charges to you to give you a higher ticket. I want to have fun. I work 50+ hours a week. I play arma to have fun and relax from work. So heres my thought. If you want a better experience with the cops. Once you do finally get caught. Have a fun story ready. Not some story that we have heard a million times. Like this is my grand fathers hunting rifle. or anything like that. Heres an examle. Last night i ran into a guy. At first he was a little salty that he was in custody. and refused to give a name. But he did state he was apart of altis customs. He stated that he could not give his information but he could release his badge number. so what i did was i wrote the badge number down on a piece of paper at my desk and after i spent a good few min sitting at the atm in Kavala "looking up his badge number" i returned to processing with such. While i was waiting i looked over on my dvd shelf and noticed i have the movies red and red 2. Now if any of you have seen them movies you will know RED stands for Retired But Extremely Dangerous. I figured that would be a fun way to rp the situation. After i returned to the room i rp'd with just a badge number. i explained that upon my research i got no information in regards to a name. but i did pull a colorful history and right below his badge number there was the abbreviations RED in big red letters. All and all it was a fun and interesting way to rp. I enjoyed it and i am pretty sure he enjoyed it. i ended up giving out a reduced ticket for this guy. I understand it takes 2 to tango with rp. RP on the apd side of things is getting better. I understand in the past there hasnt been to make good experiences on civ side of things with rp from apd. But we are working on it. Im sure most of you do know that tons of changes are being made in the apd for that given reason along with several others. And also our Peter Long has been hosting rp trainings (i know... god help us all... lol jk peter <3) But a apd member can only rp for so much before there is no point to even try. what i mean by that is if a civ is not willing to rp and is very rude and disrespectful towards the arresting officer. it is really difficult to turn that around into something fun. basically what im saying guys is. come up with a fun story. not something i would read in my daughters books or anything. or something sick and demented. but make it fun. the whole point of a rp server is exactly that. RP. so use it. And have fun with it. And remember. You are your own person. We all have our own brains and thought processes. And we can all think for our selfs. so come up with a good and interesting story and make it convincing. Im down to sit and listen and have a good time. *Note* dont always expect a reduced ticket with just good rp. there is a lot of factors that come with giving a reduced ticket. So dont expect every single time you come up with a good story to get a half ticket or a reduced ticket. just have fun and enjoy it Forgive me for any typos. i typed this up quick before work. i just read through it and noticed a few. lol my bad guys.
  22. Gidgit


    lol i really wish my shadow play went back far enough. he kept opening the gate. moving the quad up than closing the gate on it. he musta done it 3 or 4 times.
  23. Gidgit


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