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Everything posted by Google

  1. Has anyone ever read William Shakespeare “Taming of the Shrew”?
  2. This is so cringy
  3. Looking for meth houses on Olympus Server #2 These include but are not limited to, DP 3, 5, or Abdera.
  4. @folpyfish still selling?
  5. Hello I'm Google, I'm moving here from Asylum. The main reason I'm moving over to here is because Gnashes has been weighing down the servers causing them to mass kick everyone practically 24/7. I haven't really seen a similar Gnash (fat guy) around here so I think it's a safe place. I'm talking about Gnashes weighing down the Asylum Servers btw ^^^ 1 Gnash = 500 Pounds To much weight for Asylum Servers, so they're shit 24/7 Olympus = much cleaner
  6. Ended the Stream, RIP
  7. https://www.twitch.tv/codygoogles https://www.twitch.tv/codygoogles https://www.twitch.tv/codygoogles https://www.twitch.tv/codygoogles
  8. Add it all up... It only adds up to $995... Exposed?
  9. The giveaway has ended, sorry @Lucife^r.
  10. Winner was Alex Savage, the game he will be receiving is Playerunknown's Battlegrounds. Gif of choosing the winner - https://i.gyazo.com/83416e4c9c481b8d4b83bcc630f25f8a.mp4
  11. Weekend Giveaway I will be buying someone any game they want on Steam that is $40 or below How to enter Like the thread, Comment below with your name, the game you want, and why you want it Winners Winners will be announced on the date and time the giveaway ends Giveaway Started: 3/31/2017 @ 11:10 PM Eastern time Giveaway End Date @ 4/2/2017 @ 11:00 AM Eastern time
  12. If someone, has a pulldown what if the pulldown pulls down so much they have to push up? That'd be controlling recoil but in the opposite way. Think about it. @bunniu @Psycotic
  13. Stop harassing me
  14. http://whowouldwinafight.com/google-vs-bing/
  15. Bing is dead. Go away.
  16. You're complaining about roleplay, and that is out of RP meaning you broke roleplay. What a cunt.
  17. RIP Money Flow ;D
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