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Everything posted by JamalJones

  1. I am going to make a nasty Medic Montage and show all you scrubs what to do
  2. If anyone remembers me I am back after almost a 2 Year break. Glad to see the server is still thriving. Looking for an experienced group to roll with as my old group has quit. Hit me up in game or on here. Ciao
  3. Banned due to a cop getting butthurt... sigh, Never change olympus

  4. Back to SGW. Claiming more Comp tickets than they have members.
  5. Joseph has been known to rat people out to cops A LOT. Some people even claim that he goes on streams of cops just to let them know.
  6. yes
  7. Love me my BlackHawk and Kayfun, Or for anything sub ohm my Patriot
  8. If it was a mohawk you do NOT buy it from Rebel. It is from any regular airport dealership
  9. No, I think Virus has something to do with it. Hes obviously crashing your vehicles and claiming the insurance money for himself. That would be the only logical reasoning behind all this.
  10. Nose a bit brown?
  11. Zero you knew him for like a day.
  12. Eh... tried too hard
  13. I believe there is only about 4-5 corporals who play now. And 2 of them can't fly worth shit and would rather sit in kavala. So that leaves us maybe 3 corporals for the 3 servers. Constables need to be able to start flying or there needs to be more Corporals being promoted.
  14. Its like back when people used to always say "Reported" on online games. 95% of the people who claim they are recording... really are not.
  15. Really? you are going to chalk this all up to "anger issues" Was it an anger issue when you went on a RDM spree Was it also an anger issue when you tried to VDM people as a medic? Or cuss people out as a medic? Whatever happened to "I am leaving olympus"
  16. It almost boils down to a skill thing. We usually only fight other gangs that are doing exactly what you are talking about. Its easier to attack people with rooks than people with the same gear as you...
  17. Thanks mule, now olympus follows theese armor ratings right?
  18. Did not know that.. I know on my cop I can take quite a few shots while on Civ I can't even take 2 shots from a rook with the rebel vest... Is there anyway to look up the armor rating? Or is that something that olympus decides
  19. Does the carrier rig work in the same sense as the cop vest? Not bullet proofing, but bullet resistant... In other words, is it better than normal vests at rebel
  20. If it is in a red zone. no if it is NOT in a red zone yes. If it was roleplayed aka, "get out of the vehicle with your hands up" and they don't comply. Then its ok
  21. I've seen you in game before... You are constantly screaming in Kavala and just being obnoxious, If you are going to troll cops you should leave kavala and start a gunfight. I think that is probably what he is basing his decision on... Personally I think the age limit should be 18+ as you aren't even allowed to buy Arma without your parents.
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