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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. There is no solution with the current server management, you can't have a good server with people that seemingly don't care about it. I feel like you either ignored the first page of my recent posts or just don't understand what I've said, so I'll put it plainly for you here, stop catering to cartel players when they are the lowest playerbase outside of the conquests that happen 3 times a week, warzone was never meant to be some invincibility zone where you can self-sustain. Add stuff for the people that actually login everyday, not people that play asylum or eu servers during non-conquest hours. Also in some of those posts I didn't even talk about the server being dead lol.
  2. Show me a post where I insulted someone for playing on this dead server. Not sure what else you're getting at with me bashing the server, sure I do it publicly, and the majority of staff do it privately.
  3. Deadpool was definitely not worse, pretty sure you were never at any of the staff meetings when deadpool was around, and not many civ council meetings, Deadpool was definitely more competent, not to mention that maj picked suwoop for head literally as a joke. Also not mad at all that maj came to staff meetings, just find it hilarious that suwoop was so incompetent he needed maj to push his ideas for him.
  4. Still wildly misinformed and retarded I see, better get maj over here, he might be able to make your argument for you.
  5. Still mad about being the worst head civ council needing maj to come to staff meetings to push your ideas for you.
  6. It's definitely at its lowest point excluding wipe, can't even fill up 1 server and majority of the content made in the past year is geared toward cartel retards that are invincible on warzone and can self-sustain there, practically living on a cqc server.
  7. I'll never forget him flipping a coin to decide for a change during a staff meeting, though probably better than what's going on now.
  8. how do you have a negative kd with 0 cop hours? And then an even lower war kd?
  9. Then don't have your retarded gangmates text the guy or go into support complaining about the rule break, giving off an impression that you want comp.
  10. No one tell him that a lot of people that have been corp+ have done shit they could at least be removed for.
  11. So this is an issue with their parents, not systemchips, got it.
  12. Your IQ is literally lower than the IQ of a person that wasn't born yet.
  13. I'm all for calling the retarded staff out, but if this was bannable you could just abuse this by purposely running into a vehicle preventing them from killing you.
  14. Or just don't use the casino?
  15. Usually most hackers get unbanned within a year, surely you couldn't have done worse than what already unbanned hackers have done.
  16. Forgot about those because of how useless they are, 2 mil for something that can get shot down by a pdub. Regardless, the overall power of the apd has decreased significantly since 2017, which was the best time period of the server when I played.
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