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Status Updates posted by Boovin

  1. All players who have been around since before the great wipe should immediately be granted all faction exemptions and staff menu 🙏 do the legacy mfs right 🙏 

  2. free @ Rufus @ doubleueyeceekay  if you say something racist or fail titan someone and it’s FUNNY why is that bannable?? we need some gamers on the staff team instead of these women 🫵

  3. https://imgur.com/a/rO9Cwiu

    too busy dishing our more bans to reply to appeals 😕 

    1. virus


      tbf he always replies to appeals, could get banned by the other retards like mighty or diamond and just never get ur shit looked at

    2. Rufus


      Mighty is a clown I agree @ Mighty

    3. -dante-


      If they’d like, ya know, make ban appeals or reply to em. The park with my kids was way more fun than ban appeals tbh

  4. sometimes i think rp server admins are actually real people and may be normal irl but they always manage to prove me wrong by taking pride in issuing bans over the pettiest shit and then jerking off for 45 minutes straight to relieve the post authority dopamine hit 

    just remember n***as one day this server will die and you will be left with nothing!!!!! other than fond memories of squeezing ur penis over a dude sat in the ban centre waiting to speak to you!!!!

    1. doubleueyeceekay


      well said brother mash'allah

  5. why do Americans finish conversations with mhmm instead of a normal polite response like the rest of the world? your parents, peers and education system have failed you all in the most spectacular fashion

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Toretto


      Tbh I think the reason people say mhmm after you say something is a younger generation thing. Baby boomers normally say "you're welcome." Baby boomers are people between like ages 60-80 right now.

    3. Diamond Drop
    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      Why do scot's conclude conversations with "salkdlkaskljd skjlkasjdla sskdlkj onna dais ksajdlakjsdlsk skjskd."

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