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  1. Can you do that for me bro?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. BlackJack


      @TFO Miles well not really his amazing montage was put up and I don't think he is being moderated no more 

    3. 山Miles山


      @BlackJackwell ive never fought him so i dont know how hes like i killed him before anyway

    4. BlackJack
  2. i mean they have already looked at this account many times. so no
  3. can i please have my main forum account free and be able to post on it. you might as well since i am aloud to post on this account, there is no difference. thanks.
  4. Does anyone want to buy these houses like 200m - 300m away from rebel on Olympus 3 Tanoa, just say a price on this post if you do Reason why i am selling them is because i don't play tanoa at all anymore, but there good houses to get to rebel easy instead of driving or flying and risking losing a heli by flying into rebel. South rebel house - https://gyazo.com/822f5f78dc33f3ae56141411ee606d9e North west rebel house - https://gyazo.com/4fccd1c1f4be95848deafe60c211b85c
  5. buckie we all know you are trying your hardest to get in mc its funny tbh. its all good doe bro
  6. Didn't lose at anything soo...
  7. Yeah well many people want it to happen, so it might one day. Also didn't you tell 3 rip you donated 100 dollars for him to be unbanned? Or is he talking out of his ass?
  8. Wasn't you one of the people that said unban 3 rip every single day back in the TI days? pretty sure you was. Nothing can make it worse, People just need to grow up
  9. I am saying give him another chance, there is loads of people that ban evaded and got unbanned, why doesn't he get a chance? plus he ban evaded a false ass ban, people who actually ban evaded serious bans still get to play. that's my point. i made that top tier shit fam. get the admins to give him a chance man. a lot of people that ban evaded get to play still.
  10. Not up to you mate.
  11. http://www.strawpoll.me/10589793 we all know them 16 down votes is most likely mc, shoutout to the real homies in mc that actually like 3 rip, @Grandma Gary just give the guy a chance man, we both know he isnt cheating, he was just a little bit toxic, which if he gets unbanned he obviously wont be anymore, Plus Olympus will be better because he will bring back TI and everyone will fight just like the old days . and don't lock/delete my post i aint trying to start beef, just speaking the truth.
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