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Everything posted by Lantik

  1. I def am serious so i am all ears
  2. I made a potential design for the apd, I want honest feed back and if you guys think olympus should consider adding the design or not! (on Olympus it would be more matte than glossy) https://imgur.com/sLcbc2A https://imgur.com/0Q9H4Ml PS: if it got approved the APD logo would go on the hood and the side with the Olympus logo on the back bumper potentially
  3. Is anyone willing to sell their meth house on server one?
  4. Cops are not suppose to have the advantage at bank. The server is for the civs to enjoy so I personally believe it is very important to always give the advantage to the civs. Cops should enjoy the server to obviously but u get the point.
  5. give it a minute! its processing.
  6. Obviously because Im so lazy to put clothes on! all you need is the mask
  7. Ya but I really think that Deputies should have quad bikes!
  8. I think we should remove betting and buff all runs legal and illegal. Would get alot more people doing runs creating a more active community!
  9. Where Is the complete handbook? There are missing chapters in the handbook?
  10. U right! So it benefits them to pay their ticket
  11. That’s exactly what I do, I prefer the vigilante to serve time or pay a ticket than lose there license
  12. Lantik


    Ya that’s weird idk why that is
  13. Lantik


    Thanks! feels great to be back!
  14. Lantik


    what level of donor? @Monks
  15. Lantik


    How do you make your profile photo a gif?
  16. Lantik


    Hello forums, its been a while and im sure no one remembers me or cares but I played a few years back as LukeS. I played the APD heavily and I am now going by the name Cowboy due to a Nickname given to me so we will see how this goes!
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