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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. Bobby

    Thank You

    Being a news reporter in Kavalla with anyone but you just won't be the same </3
  2. I know this issue is beaten into the ground and until the devs say so nothing is happening on it but TheBannanaMan actually has quite a good plan there
  3. Welcome welcome !
  4. Stay strong, her seeing others around her being positive can really help to lift her spirits. Anything can happen and I hope the situation somehow makes a turn for the better, in my prayers for sure Pink
  5. Termy you were an awesome cop, sad to see you go i wish you the best
  6. Haha i remember my cadet training, i holstered my gun by accident and Hershmek said if you holster your gun how can you defend against this?! and i was promptly downed on the spot haha
  7. Applause to you sir ! How long did it take?
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