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Everything posted by Bobby

  1. @GhostFace increasing his odds of winning by being on two starting rosters, smart man
  2. ~Online Gaming Community~

  3. I have a tazer type 115 if you want to place an offer on that I would consider selling it
  4. Will be back at school not fighting, feelsbad
  5. You have garbage internet but my god your reaction made me crack up +! for you
  6. The tough man dropping the hammer on those platinum kids who are just BEGGING for mercy
  7. Have you tried testing two charges being added simultaneously? For example if one PO adds attempted manslaughter and the other evading arrest at the exact same time, it is possible neither fully register
  8. R.I.P. to @I Am Fuzzy 's stream. This mans just took a live ban in the name of the Olympus Community challenges

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bobby


      He tried to do the cinnamon challenge and failed miserably, while also having peanut butter smeared on his face

    3. HyperGoat


      how the fuck do you get banned for that.


    4. Bobby


      @HyperGoat He gagged from the cinnamon and some members of the community reported it as self harm

  9. Hope to see you out there BUD
  10. 12 and 418
  11. Would anyone like to buy a cop MXM with bipod and 13 mags?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hot Pocket

      Hot Pocket

      where tf is my gear, Bobby!

    3. Bobby


      Midnight took yours! This is @Aunt Jemima's ! Lol :P

    4. ItsGG


      can confirm is a solid mxm +1 

  12. How much for silencer
  13. The man who got Mory Mango into Arma.... https://gyazo.com/5a330c44215d1d49beb56419b30ed9af

    1. SPBojo


      dreams.metroeve_ropes-dreams-meaning.png You know what must be done from here.

    1. DeadPool


      What do you mean "You People"?

    2. Bobby


      Lol I didn't write that dude, I got sent it


  14. A timeless classic from Mory 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grenade65


      9 minutes ago, Brennan said:

      We like to make fun of gang's names when they are just irrelevant single words that people think sounds cool.

      Just like everyone likes to make fun of MC for not being able to push a cartel let alone even shoot with their hands. @Nikoteen

    3. big niko
    4. Monkeysz


      Come on you can't help that regicides name wasn't good for screaming at the top of your lungs xD

  15. My shadowplay used to record my voice, but no longer does. HALP!?

    1. SPBojo


      open settings and make sure its turned on :)

  16. 6 months and im back :D

    1. Snare


      bobby is a nice guy. welcome back :) 

    2. Rusty
  17. As someone who is a corporal in the APD and active as a rebel in one of the server's largest gang if you honestly believe this you are out of your mind. The APD is so much weaker than rebels it is incredible. If your gang of 8 people cannot kill three cops who's vests can be one shot in the chest with 7.62mm ammunition the problem lies in your own gun skill rather than the "overpoweredness" of the APD.
  18. Can we please have a push for the auction house? I think it would be so cool to be able to sell cars you steal instead of chopping them, or unloading BW gear to other players who might not have the gang to do it

    1. Bobby


      @Jesse would you like coding help? I wouldn't mind over winter break creating a skeleton for it

  19. With black water out i would really love to see the Auction House pushed out soon

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fedot
    3. RogueMK


      I put a suggestion up about making a forum section for selling stuff too until auction house is fully up n running but I don't think many ppl have responded to it lol

    4. Goodman
  20. Computer still broken. Making preseason worse than it already is. woohoo. :(

  21. Bobby

    New jail

    Yea i was on the cop side during the test jail - the bridge makes pushing the island LITERALLY impossible with the gate and walls. The walls make moving civ vehicles blocking off the bridge impossible and the gate prevents cops from rolling over it with anywhere near enough speed to not get destroyed. Also the rock is essentially another good rebel vantage point but with small towers and 4 ATC's i don't see the need
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