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L3SL13 last won the day on July 15 2018

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About L3SL13

  • Birthday 03/10/2001

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  1. lol @3 Rip complains about people camping yet your letting your trash gang camp others 


    1. Show previous comments  48 more
    2. Rusty


      leslie size on your lips lad. looks like you had lip fillers put in hahaha

    3. Snare


      You guys all say you can't fight vigis with more vigis however we have a super toxic cartel community at this point. That's literally all you can do. This isn't real life we're not about to hold a international peace conference. People in this community (competitive cartel fighting)don't care about making the game "fun for everyone" If a kid is camping sheds literally all you can do to get them back is camp there shed and if anyone suggests otherwise they are delusional.

      There is literally no solution to this besides staff interaction. And until then if I or my gang gets vigid at a shed you best believe I'm going to go camp yours.

    4. Snare


      Vigi is a dumb role anyway basically a ruleless cop who doesn't need to pass a test.

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