Howdy, if you are one of five people wondering where I went, the answer is finally here.
In December, I graduated from university as an RF engineer and spent most of January and early February looking for jobs. A few interviews later I am now working as a test and validation engineer in the Defense industry. All of the job searching and onboarding left me with little time to consider playing Altis life, and now that am 23 years old with my start date rapidly approaching, I decided that it is my time to say goodbye to olympus.
I started playing on this server something like 9 years ago as an idiot 14-year-old with a squeaky voice and shitty aim (the last part is still true). Since then, I've put four and a half thousand hours of my life into Arma 3, with at least 2 thousand of those spent on Olympus. In that time, I met so many people that made my experience enjoyable, and genuinely shaped my view on what I wanted from online video games. Furthermore, my experiences on this server were Unique (to say the least); Experiences that will certainly give me fond memories when I think of the bright spots of my adolescence.
There are a few people I want to thank for making my time here so personally affecting:
To @ xsmitherz : My last stint with the APD was by far the most consistent and enjoyable one. The year that I spent playing on the faction and my progression within was largely due in part to your efforts. Specifically, your focus on improving communication between sAPD and the newbies to the role is laudable; a Focus that does not go unnoticed by those around you. I hope your life continues to stay positive and that you bring that attitude with you wherever you go.
To @ Hazardous : Sorry that I never made it to FTO, I know you had high hopes for me. I appreciated how genuine and straightforward you were, and how much you advocated for those you saw potential in.
To @ Venomm : Your antics kept me sane when people took this game way too seriously, and I hope you get better at air RB for everyone else's sake. I've known you since Tree, and I'm glad I got to hang with you again as an adult; Even if it meant that I would be subject to hours of racial remarks.
To @ thompp , @ Element_ , and all the other corporals I played with: thanks for shooting the shit with me and finding ways to make this decade+-old game enjoyable in 2024.
And to everyone else that I may not have mentioned: Thank you for choosing to spend some of your time on this game with me, even if it wasn't by choice :p. If anyone who has a way to contact me ever wants to talk/reach out, don't hesitate to send me a message.
With gratitude for all the years of enjoyment, I wish everyone who reads this success in their future endeavors!