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Everything posted by ChicagoJack

  1. ChicagoJack


    I’ll buy the DMS scope alone let me know pm me
  2. he wants 5m for the DMS dont waste your time
  3. ill buy pm
  4. yes?
  5. best price?
  6. need a dms scope 2 snipe kids hmu
  7. why are you replying to this. I'm looking to buy a scope not to hear some dumbass comment. Thanks.
  8. BUYING A DMS SCOPE! Will pay good price, PM me or post below if you have one
  9. dude work on explaining a bit better.. like holy shit
  10. lol I still remember the first time i saw you years and years ago, o7
  11. since when
  12. I knew this was coming
  13. Will pay top price PM me what you got!@
  14. sent pm
  15. sold
  16. will buy all of it msg me
  17. current offer is 4.75m comes with mags too
  18. lethal lethal
  19. selling a mar 10 + a dms. Will sell them together or separate depending on offers PM me or post below
  20. https://gyazo.com/d3bcad183241e64979628579d493c522 There is plenty of houses available there.
  21. buying houses/sheds
  22. looking for good houses asap
  23. any good runs houses/sheds (s1 only) Looking for really good houses or gang sheds only. Leave below or PM me what you got.
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