you're missing the point, just more fuel to the already burning fire, every time we're in a situation with him, he knows where people are in unrealistic situations where he shouldn't know where people are, the snaps, the 1 clicks, once in a while, yes, believable, 10 times a day..? Nah mang Or shall we put it down to the "I'm a fucking God" statement again, Sorry mah friend, after 5,600 hours on the game, I've played long enough to know when you're bullshit, and my bullshit detector broke from having to fight that kid everyday. I've only ever called hax on about 6/7 people, 5 of which are banned and one of the others disappeared when he started getting spectated, Good ridance and goodnight idiot. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is what Corporal Moob said in my "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" Post^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >HE HAS 5600+ HOURS IN THIS GAME< Please accept the fact 3 rip is gone and will doubtfully be returning. You guys can argue the rest of the year and nothing is going to change the fact he is gone. We all have our own opinions! Me, Corporal Moob, and everyone who has had to fight 3 rip agrees he is a hacker. He will never admit that he is a hacker because there will never be proof that you can reach out and touch and feel and know its real. 3 Ripism has ended, leave the churches, remodel, find a new religion seriously please. Moobism is apparently booming! xD