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Buffalo Bill

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Everything posted by Buffalo Bill

  1. Nice shot. As soon as someone told me you were coming around I went put my Crossair at center mass and sprayed a full mag into you and nothing. I shall now call you "Bandwidth Boi 3" xD jk
  2. If there is such a thing as VPD I wouldn't mind having corporal xD
  3. Yesterday peter long whiped out his ghost hawk, which he is well known for doing, and [AAF] brought a 50 cal to try an anti fed so we stole it and shot peter down. So I guess the Feds aren't that hard when shit like that foes out way. I just wanted to let you know peter we love it when you take your ghosthawk out it gives us some target practice! <3
  4. You both got promoted shit aren't the feds already hard enough!?!
  5. Naw. The more cluster fuckage the better!!!
  6. Do it gary you wont no ballz
  7. I am pretty sure I already know the answer to this but when one of the 10 members die and are asked to TP back will they be supplied with a loadout or must we bring our own?
  8. Or it was your .exe but that's just everyone on the servers opinion! xD
  9. Corporal Moob is a million times better than 3 nipples. Honestly you done your gone get over it there is nothing else to hide. Now LEGIT question before your set off with your tactical bacon and redgull - One more montage with shit music before you go pls just for the memories xD
  10. you're missing the point, just more fuel to the already burning fire, every time we're in a situation with him, he knows where people are in unrealistic situations where he shouldn't know where people are, the snaps, the 1 clicks, once in a while, yes, believable, 10 times a day..? Nah mang Or shall we put it down to the "I'm a fucking God" statement again, Sorry mah friend, after 5,600 hours on the game, I've played long enough to know when you're bullshit, and my bullshit detector broke from having to fight that kid everyday. I've only ever called hax on about 6/7 people, 5 of which are banned and one of the others disappeared when he started getting spectated, Good ridance and goodnight idiot. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is what Corporal Moob said in my "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" Post^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >HE HAS 5600+ HOURS IN THIS GAME< Please accept the fact 3 rip is gone and will doubtfully be returning. You guys can argue the rest of the year and nothing is going to change the fact he is gone. We all have our own opinions! Me, Corporal Moob, and everyone who has had to fight 3 rip agrees he is a hacker. He will never admit that he is a hacker because there will never be proof that you can reach out and touch and feel and know its real. 3 Ripism has ended, leave the churches, remodel, find a new religion seriously please. Moobism is apparently booming! xD
  11. Yea sometimes I'll find myself shooting a foot above or below the guy when I have it turned off.
  12. Rusty - Read it. Read it again. Then write it down a few times. Then repeat.
  13. Your watching 3 rip flick to inky with his .exe!!!
  14. True the turn and one tap is the main thing, I think the cut is to capture side.
  15. That's some really cryptic cult music. Do you guys pour tree sap into your bullet wounds while shouting and chanting at the top of your lungs? xD
  16. See that's very true usually someone asks "What kind of music do you like?" and I will respond and the normal reaction I get is just befuddled. Occasionally I will find that someone listens to same genre I listen to and is quite knowledgeable in it as well. It's refreshing that its not all too rare to find. Oh and Dustin, I'm quite frightened. xD
  17. I'm quite curious if anyone is just as strange as I am. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oH6mw2Rc3DQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f18ga0i6r2A I love this music and listen to this on a daily basis. Is anyone even slightly affectionate towards this at all? I have only met a handful of people who is so that's why i'm asking. Please be considerate this was a very popular genre of music in the time period it was made and is still popular to this day.
  18. Mhm
  19. ^ Don't trust him xD jk
  20. I always turn myself in before the time gets to be ridiculously long. Just throw some shit in your house and go to jail for 20-30 min 150-250k bounty.
  21. What happened to this post hmm a shit ton of APD come and pick this shit apart and note every little flaw in everything I can't make a suggestion because what would make the civillians happy wouldn't make the cops happy visa versa its already to far broken
  22. Who made the last two comments hmm APD members. I guess you need the entire civ population to open your eyes, the APD are shit and thats why everyone complains. The next comment after this is prob going to be some APD member picking this comment to pieces.
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