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Hunter Jaeger

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Everything posted by Hunter Jaeger

  1. I have come to understand that some people think my gang "PRAE Boys" is a revival of the old PRAE gang. This is 100% false. My gang is called PRAE Boys cause all my guys are from a milsim and it's the Company name in our milsim. I recognize that anything "PRAE" related was prolly not a great choice, however, we are friendly in Cherno. o7
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      • STFU
  2. I feel misunderstood, everyone keeps asking me why I keep targeting their gang or why I constantly go to sheds/the pro next to their shed just to be toxic... the thing is that I do this equally to everyone.
  3. @Revise As of this morning I compensated Maj 3.5m
  4. I keep pulling all nighters roaming from redzone to redzone sometimes seeing nobody for up to an hour or more and when I catch runs I am usually asked “Why are you patrolling at 3 am at Christmas Eve?” Or “How are you having fun playing cop this late”. Stop asking because I have fun knowing that you aren’t - MX’s Are Lethal
  5. lol
  6. Title says it all.
  7. I don’t think you understand what take it or leave it means...
  8. @fadedacr 500k take it or leave it.
  9. I’ll sell you an MX for 700k
  10. I want to enter the giveaway
  11. @Vigi Gang They are clearly 700 storage houses. @Fearless ;) Question #1: Server? Question #2: 2.5 for both or per house?
  12. This is exile with added steps, Olympus isn’t a role play server.
  13. 1 mil will sell.
  14. I will buy 1 crater of 11 mil 1.1* sorry for mistype
  15. 850k
  16. @-|R|- Captain wanna explain why u ran tail between legs to S1?
  17. I beleive you are refering to my initiation text which said "I Really miss being in R, and some of my best times in Arma with you, ask Cap if I can rejoin because Hands up/Pull over or die. Thanks for reading, and I had fun playing with you guys." I went back sucked up to them and merc'd them the same hour I left..... IDK how u are this fucking stupid.
  18. @G. Max I cried??? I shot down Hawkons heli to fuck with him said "Lawl not comping u" and stole his meth and then proceeded to join LC but rejoin R to kill them all. lol ur so garbage bro, next time u talk shit come up with something that actually happened
  19. @G. Max nawww doe, Charles could beat ur ass faster than he doesnt shine runs.....
  20. -1 Stop insulting the skill of KS
  21. The value of Altis dollar would be represented by the actual value of US currency.
  22. @Heinz Gormittz can you make a system to bet on the currency exchange system with olympus cash being based on the dollar?
  23. 4mil, before I buy I want screens.
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