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Everything posted by theycallmepaw

  1. Tman just do what you need to do and it will come naturally. and don't worry about the ass clowns who post negative shit on here they are non-important. Y ou just do what you need to do and you will pass all the tests. keep open ears and open mind and you will learn and be a great EMT in real life.
  2. cheese dude just chill your not getting anywhere with this so chill and let it go and just be happy. thegodfather
  3. sounds to me it will be like extortion money. they tell you what their doing and if the payment isnt agreed upon then u go gank them yourself. lol
  4. this post was made to give thanks to people who try to make server better but can a admin lock it. its going nuts and the point has been lost.
  5. So was wondering who your favorite are in the following: 1. APD (higher ranks) 2. APD (lower ranks) 3.MEDIC (higher ranks) 4.MEDIC (lower ranks) 5. vigillantes 6. TAXI drivers This is not to start a flame war just to give thanks and credit for those you think try to make the server more enjoyable when they play their roles and make it fun.
  6. flew for the first time and wanted to puke,, the movement of the ground and sky when doing anything and always moving makes you feel like your on a ride at the carnival.. i hope they fix it or ill be driving all the time. bifolcals and this new patch doesnt play well together. thegodfather
  7. well i tried to train her in the art of comnasutra and she failed miserablly so ill find a new coffee spot
  8. well as for me i try to roleplay with every person i encounter even for a brief second if the dispatch board is going nuts. it doesnt take long to roleplay and have a quick conversation and then be on your way. its funner to me to roleplay then hear all day long dont revive him or die or those civilians just wanting to shoot a medic in the head for fun. so if we all try to roplay then we can make a difference. thegodfather
  9. I want to say a big thank you for everything you have done and the mindset it took to acomplish what you have on this server and for the R&R dept. you had my respect the moment i talked with you and if you ever need to chat let me know and i'll chat till the sun comes up or down on any matter i can help you with,,, or just lend you a shoulder or a ear if that's what is needed. please rethink any descion made and make sure it is truly what you want,,,(not the little bad kids),,, and then make the descion with a calm cool mind. If your answer is still you want to step down then i'll say i hate to see you go and i will truly miss you. you was a positive in a hostile gameplay. you have my admiration and respect. thegodfather
  10. you know i for onr try to be fair and even to go to cartel island to assist whomever asked for a revive, if the cartels dont want us to revive whiole in a active engagment then why not send a text that states no medics down there till the fight is done and then ull let us know when to come revive everyone. i know alot of the other clans have done the same thing and then the rest of the map is not being harmed by medics on the island. also with a rule that says i can be shot on ground down at the cartels i might not want to come down just so someone can popshot me and then my 15 minute nlr applies. can we all just use our heads once in awhile and help one another out. thegodfather
  11. we used to have 3 servers along time ago in 2014, but poisideon or the ehad admins u should talk to and remember they just added a rust server also so it might have took the 3rd server slot. but i dont really care how many servers u have as long as we can fill them which we probably can but you know money is always a issue. just my thoughts on the subject. TheGodFather
  12. well i never called her a bitch but she did have a nice rack,,,lol thank you bigsmoke i try to rp and be the best R&R has, it's all for the players.
  13. I'd like to personally thank all t he admins,senior staff,support staff, APD,Medics and all the civillians who played yesterday on easter. it makes me proud to see dedication to a server even when a holiday is involved. i admire players who give time to it because the believe in it and want to make it better, even on a holiday. so keep making the server great thru roleplay, teamwork, respect, and honerable killings and healings. see you in game, thegodfather
  14. and killing medics because a civillian said to revive a player is a no no since medics cant be told to revive players. so when u say revive so and so and u have 5 seconds or ill kill u and the medic says its part of his job to revive players while ur counting and then the medic hears 5 and then gets shot. thats a no no we get tired of civilians always telling us to revive players or face death.
  15. happy birthday @GummyCow may you have alot of cake today and ice cream too

  16. A long time ago on Altis. I was a fair but firm man who had my hands in alot of bad things. I had people protecting me and giving me a percentage of their money just to pick illegal items in certain fields. Those where the good days and it was fun. Then one day the massacre happened, I remeber it like yesterday. After the smoke cleared and the bodies laid still in the dew of the morning grass, we left to run and hide for a bit. Later i was caught and charged with alot of things. I was convicted of all the charges and sent to Altis Federal Prison (which isnt even on the map). I've spent the last 25 years there. I was recently paroled since i had a dream of helping people so i studied in medical and worked in the prison infirmary. I once took lives and had them taken to now thinking of coming back to Altis to heal and save lives. So if you see me in a town i am now a old man with knowledge of the past. Maybe we can sit and i'll tell stories of the old days that has gone bye. Buy me a sandwhich and a beer and we can talk till sun-up. Till then may you find money and happiness in Altis.
  17. how do you know if your affected Poseidon does it say something when you try to log into the server or is there a way to check if this applies to you? thank you for the answer when you give it.
  18. i figured they have tman hope they didnt get harder you know im old lol
  19. not sure muth might have to give r@r a try lol
  20. i seen fluffy on his stream and it so brought back old memories, he said i should come back but not sure as of yet. hello grandma and tman and jorbis and muth,,,,it was a fun time in the past.
  21. my goodness and this is what happens to devil when mccringle comes back. now devil needs to clean keyboard and start mailing the love letters he once did back to the potatoe king for future meetings and enjoynment
  22. so i is back i thiught u was the potatoe master of the world lol. welcome back dude
  23. goodbye danny hate to see you go. i don't play much at all just because of the drama and reading forums and i was a pre-wipe player. but they don't really care when people leave, they think the new players will equal it out. but you take care.
  24. i personally thing if u changed it from skim milk to simalac you'd get more entry's
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