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Everything posted by theycallmepaw

  1. devil did it this am with all those damn ping noises when he types he prolly had a ping blocker... i blame devil for everyones problems
  2. goodbye dear fluffy, some of us just know and can feel your pain. others will never know your pain. im trying to be a poet so kiss my butt. it was fun. thats all i got to say paw out
  3. that sure is a nice butt even in a old mans eyes,,, i want 2 for christmas just to look at
  4. and everyone wonders why we cant have nice things,,,,,,,,and this is why we cant ever have conversations that lead anywhere lol
  5. just remember when u take hostages or terror or anything group related then the group falls together if they are wrong. so i would suggest to make sure you rp everything out or dont do it at all. the ban hammer is real..........
  6. you have to learn how to work smarter and not harder. when u lose the first 50k it teaches you how not to learn the next 50k (unless your a slow learner) , so keep trying and sometime ull be rich lol
  7. wow ty zero i quit the server to go to another one and have given all my assets away. i will miss you all good rp times we had. zero made it sound like i was dead.... creepy
  8. its ok and a real man knows when he make mistakes and appoligizes for them. keep your mind free and your anger in check and you will go far in life. paw
  9. wonder how hard it would be to whitelist vigalantes and have them in the independent slots. also if they went to school to learn what they are doing it would help. we have had reports vigs acting like apd before a person is on the wanted list and they restrain them for lets say a failed robbery. alot of the vigs i think dont know the rules well or are confused about them. vigs can help alot if done right however can be a mess when done wrong. apd can not talk a civillian statement on what another player does. so we cant act on it. sorry we are not calling anyone a liar but if we took everyones word we would be trolled till the year 3030. vigalantes please do the right thing. paw
  10. wow yodo that went straight thru my heart i love you too but yes wanted is great paw
  11. give him a break till he messes up everyone needs a chance to change maybe all the trips to the jail has made him go on the path legal things to start. lol paw
  12. lol
  13. thats because paw is quick with reply's but slowwww with the ladies
  14. i was a street cop for 3 years and a correctional officer in state prisons for 17 so ill help you anytime you need my friend
  15. well bobey glad ur still gonna save my ass literally. does this mean ur gonna have a pocket gun somewhere that wont be visible lol have a good one and stay strong. as for me i might just take a break paw
  16. i want to thank all the players who enjoy the server and love to role-play it makes it fun and we have a great time. you players are what make the server. now for those of you who like to rdm and vdm and do not role-play id like to say that its ok you are important too and i hope someday you could possibly get on board with the others so you too could have a great experiance. i've met wonderful players and friends on these servers and i want to commend the admins and moderators for the pain staking work that you do. it is not a fun job and surely not everyone thanks you for the time and effort you put in. for me i thank you. keep up the great work. now let the fun times commence. paw
  17. get a dog they are more loyal and they love long time. they lick your face and make happy and you can train them. women cant be trained. paw
  18. in all fairness this individual was talked to no rp about the rp that was miss guided and messed up from the start. no texts was given about a hostage and when a negotiator (me) came with a holstered weaapon to negotiate people comming down from the crane area. i was shot before i reached the fence. the above individual was at the top of the crane and was determined to be part of the shooting of me sinc3e no text message was ever sent. to aaccuse me of being bad and no roleplay please make sure your role play is acurately stated before you accuse. for me personally no hard feelings and i hope you find fullfillment in the rp experiance of altis no matter how you feel about me personally. thank you and have a great day. paw
  19. goodbye cable didn't really know you well but met you once in kavala take care
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