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Everything posted by YayObamacare

  1. Both 1 craters, about 400m away. Run can be made with a full stamina bar and a half, or just load it with redbull Also just noticed, they are close enough to see if people are in them in the spawn menu.
  2. I own two rebel houses, one slightly closer than the other. Ill sell either one, dont really care. Great for spawning in and getting back into a fight in warzone or for just spawning to get geared without the drive/flight to rebel. Post offer for the top or bottom house. https://gyazo.com/6f8e2dde673315a08fe8ad5efb1bb693
  3. Is it allowed to block off the stairs/doors of your house with storage crates to keep cops from coming up, making almost impossible to take you forcing lethals? I've seen a person do this and have had different admins say different things.
  4. woops didnt see the s3 my bad
  5. , ill sell for 8 mil
  6. no, the 0 crater that is pretty close to yours. has a view of the arms dealer 550 meters away. soldd
  7. WYM its not as good, you trippin Josechapo has a 6mil offer on the table. any other bids
  8. This is arguably the best meth house in olympus for doing pure runs, has its own little spot you can land a large helicopter like a taru in, and is a 4 crater so can hold you 3k trunk space. It is very central, so you are looking at 2.5km away from every gathering site. Doing taru runs with this house is perfect, as 2 runs of each resource fills the house full, worth over 6mil, and it comes with a little area right in front of the house where a taru can easily land. I am looking for high offers, bidding starts at 6mil, increase by 500k increments. https://gyazo.com/b1397841f6adcd7ca701c3a6ac893304 https://gyazo.com/212750bd3c2188a8ff9a5e44d70ce757 https://gyazo.com/dcd348f57aa218879e88aa61472a2d55 https://gyazo.com/6753d6c8bddc25384f6c16facc3534df
  9. i got one, 50mil
  10. Ill give you 4k and a rook with 4 mags for all of it
  11. What server? I have a 4 crater with a perfect landing spot for tarus on server 1
  12. YayObamacare

    Wts hunter

    Ill buy it for 900k
  13. Bump, current offer 4 mil, if nobody bets higher when he gets on he gets it
  14. suck my nuts trump
  15. Do we have a bid h i g h e r than 4 mil?
  16. Great scat house for kavala, very close to the square. post offers below https://gyazo.com/bf8347048e33a28b58711e39e6c43e5c
  17. 1.7 mil for the meth airfield addon, any higher offers. And you are aware its just an addon correct?
  18. Im one of the few that made immense amounts of money, made a 14 mil profit to the gambling using my house right by kavala as an illegal gambling ring.
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