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Everything posted by Basiic

  1. Straight. Fucking. Faccs.
  2. Welp, shit, finna buy all these games again
  3. Nah B, Eokas and Waterpipes = Aks, and m249's
  4. All about those blueprints, and every month they change skill cause they change the fucking recoil
  5. Fuck this game and everything it stands for.
  6. hmmm ill do it, ill be at your place in like 4 hours to hand it to you, and so i can take over your pc and Perm ban some people
  7. It was a 11 day, got it reduced to a 3 day, but there is another ban on top of this one that i have to fight as well...
  8. Or i could slide you 50$ pay pal for you to un ban me >.>
  9. Punisher was dope, watched basically all the 70s show when i was a youngin, ill check out kingdom
  10. Woah calm down buddy, we dont speak about that place here ok. Imma have to check out Big Mouth, Lil yachty always talking about it
  11. Hi Basic again, im serving a pretty lengthy server ban, so I have already drank all my liquor, and since I have no life without Olympus, any of you got any Netflix Suggestions?
  12. Basiic


    Why are you copying me. Stop it.
  13. You are very welcome gamer I am doing Handy dandy, @drama just gave me the best head
  14. Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing/enjoying their day!
  15. 404 Error not found
  16. Basiic

    MAR 10 Taser

  17. Aye yo, selling Mar 10 Taser for 2 Million
  18. Basiic


    Love you
  19. So how is everyones day going, my gang is currently dead and I have no friends.
  20. How about we go back to east arms with no big tower, problem solved?
  21. It dont matter in another week they will change it again
  22. BET imma start rn
  23. Yikes Idk bout rust. I might try it again, after 1700 hours of it and them changing the damn recoil pattern of the ak is bullshit OOF Its all good in the hood.
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