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Everything posted by Basiic

  1. I've already Tried. I accidentally waited like 11 mins instead of 15.
  2. So after I get a 5 day on Olympus, what game do I play, cause ya know like a pro gamer like me I no life Olympus. so idk what to do with my life now. Any Suggestions? https://gyazo.com/7e18400b06437c9b055132b7be73c75d
  3. Anything my honey bun @ALLAH SAVE ME Does is in the right. Love you babe.
  4. New way to dodge titans.
  5. Ik dude people always praying on your downfall, smh my head. @Clash I found you babe
  6. https://gyazo.com/06dd46c2b17c1d5f7727c4ff4f6b98c0 Checkmate.
  7. I just dont want mine to look like yours?
  8. Umm how is this boy a APD offcer, he legit uses a voice changer XD he is like 14 years old


    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      It’s called an age exception 

    2. yung matt

      yung matt

      I don’t use the voice changer that’s @max^, also i had to get over 1k on olympus and then get a vouch from a Corp, btw I have a deep voice unlike before 

    3. Basiic


      Ah shit FUCKING WRONG MAX, my fault bro...gonna go make fun of the other one


  9. 2.1 mill for each.
  10. Thats what im saying yo. Im just gonna go talk to my cousins <3
  11. THE ONLY reason you did that because you were going to get comp from a previous one from the admins
  12. Yayo: Cries when he dies in a gun fight and mic rapes when people dont listen to him, Even his own gang doesnt like him FATTY RIP, and ive never asked for money bb
  13. That is false you have never spoken to me
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